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About CrimsonKing

  • Birthday 07/13/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairy Island
  • Interests
    Good tunes, great friends and cute guys.

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CrimsonKing's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Hi mark! I am King Crimson it's nice to meet you :)
  2. Welcome to RO!! Great first choice, I can see you have fantastic taste :) enjoy your stay and I hope you meet lots of friends
  3. Black Magik!!
  4. It sounds like a hacker on your network or internal PC is trying to steal your information. Brutal.
  5. Of course it needs a buff. That's why people donate. This should be moved to suggestions.
  6. Lol any English players play fRO?! xD
  7. Nowhere in our post did you suggest to have the bot checker BEFORE entering the MvP room, which was all I was trying to add to solve any glitches with the checker...Although I'm not sure how relevant that is to botting. How long does one stay in the MvP room to be able to use a bot afk? Will they have their bot active upon entering the room? You were denying everybody's allegations that the bot checker would suffer a glitch if used inside the MvP room without warp. However it could very well be a small issue with the bot checker itself and people should be allowed to use warp in MvP room, which means this issue is not solved simply by adding a bot checker before or after entering. There is no solid evidence that warping causing the bot checker to glitch in every instance.
  8. I once met a gold digger named Emily in an old low rate Devilish RO. I hung out with her for a solid year, she was very flirty and was dating my close friend on the server. She turned out to be a teenage boy, after ripping us off for some of our stuff. A pretty covert undercover operation lol. Regardless of story time, it's not possible to change just one character. It would require a whole new client, I'm talking ROs client not forsakens. Just please play your real gender... If you really want to play a girl, maybe you are truly a girl somewhere deep inside? ;)
  9. All classes will have an excess amount of skill points because of the increased job level in fRO. This lets every job max all of their skillz :D
  10. CrimsonKing


    Yw, Later days
  11. I'm glad you worked things out! Thanks a lot for the solution, I will spread the word if anyone happens to encounter the same problem again. :)
  12. Beautiful siggys! Great work on them keep it up :)
  13. CrimsonKing


    http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29106#entry311156 Outdated post, but serves as a good example to show that server hosts can be unreliable at times. As with cable or telephone or even your own internet provider. Sometimes the server will hit a slump, it's the cost of a low budget server. ( imagine the millions of dollars big game company's like RO or Maplestory, etc. are pulling in to afford what is sometimes not lag free ) But please hang in there! I hope the lag smooths out for you soon.
  14. Art is done for the soul, not for prizes or competition. This belongs in the art section of the forums where people will paint and draw from the pure love of it and share to the world. The idea is nice, I will draw not a popular card, but my favourite card for you guise... for fun :)
  15. bump It wouldn't be a random anonymous click for your vote here... It would be a forum, where players would vote with words and commentary. State how the screenshots made them feel and why they think a certain one should be a winner. This inherently streamlines the voting process, sifting out mindless spammers with a boring +1 nature. Add some fun and involvement, not just for the ones trying out the contest and going for the golden screenie, but also for the rest of the community who wants to enjoy the event on a more... Relaxed level. Be a real part of it.
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