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Everything posted by MemoriesOfLight

  1. Heeeey i rated you 5 also :D cause ur cool

  2. Its about both, the world ending then being reborn =3
  3. ive always loved reading that norse myth, but then i suppose i like reading lots of greek and other cultural myths </3 im sorry this topic caused this =x i just wanted people to enjoy the story like i do :)
  4. MemoriesOfLight


    Hey im welcoming anyone who would like to join my guild who are 255/255 :) were all friendly and welcome anyone. If you would like to join PM my IGN MemoriesOfLight or send me a message in forums. Up to you. with thanks Sammeh x
  5. and uhm the myth is not so different to the game ^_^; , there is some differences but not total.
  6. You gonna be back soon?

  7. sorry i didn't get to see that comment about it D:
  8. New photies :D this one is for sanj who wanted to see my twin sister This is me with my friends :o Im on the End right Meee Mee and Mat
  9. come visit me and mat in the UK ;]?
  10. MemoriesOfLight

    Good day!

    Welcome to fro :) enjoy your stay with us
  11. Your the nikki? Your confusing me =x

  12. 1.Guild Leader's name. MemoriesOfLight 2. Guild Name. Retro 3. Description of your guild. Friendly,Pvp mad, Lovable ;] 4. How old is your guild. 3 - 4 days old
  13. I thought id put this in the forums for anyone who plays ragnarok who doesn't atcually know the story behind it =3 I doubt there many people who don't know, but its still fun to read it. The many ages of man... they have now progressed through the iron age, but a new age is ushered in -the wolf age. This is the beginning of the end. A winter known as Fimbulvetr will begin the chain of events known as Ragnarok. But this winter is unlike any other, for it will last for three long years. During this time, mankind will suffer. Fathers will go to war, sisters will sleep with their brothers, and friends will fight each other. At the end of this horrendous winter, a rooster's crow can be heard all through Midgard. This crow will be echoed by roosters in Niflheim and Asgard. Upon hearing the crow of the rooster, Yggdrasill, the eternal tree, will shudder. All fetters will break, all ropes shall be shattered. Loki and Fenrir run free once more. They will depart for Niflheim, to organize the legions of the dead. At once, the divine sentry Heimdall will dash to Mimir's spring, and raise the great horn Gjall to his lips. Such a blast will be echoed all through Asgard, from Valhalla to Alfheim. The gods will meet in council, and Odin will join Heimdall at Mimir's spring to take advice from Mimir himself. In the meantime, the armies of evil will have united. They will be led by Loki, his two sons Fenrir and Jormungand, and the fire giant Surt, son of Muspell. They will advance, wreaking havoc upon Midgard. Fenrir, anticipating the carnage to come, has his slavering jaws wide open, encompassing Midgard. With every breath, Fenrir's brother Jormungand will spew poison upon the world of men. This terrifying army will halt at Vigrid, the plain that stretches 120 leagues in every direction. However, not Loki nor Surt nor Fenrir nor Jormungand sees two humans secretly take refuge in Yggdrasill. The Aesir, however, will not be idle. They will arm themselves, putting on their coats of chain and plate mail, donning their shields and helmets, and grasping their swords. Odin's mighty army of slain warriors, the Einherjar, will do likewise. Eight hundred men will march out of each of Valhalla's 540 doors. This powerful host will make its way to Vigrid, with Odin, Thor, and Freyr riding at the head. Odin, mounted on Sleipnir, will be wielding his spear Gungnir. Thor will have his mystical hammer Mjolnir. Freyr, having given his sword to his faithful servant Skirnir, will be armed only with his magic and his wits. At Vigrid, Odin, the Allfather, will ride straight for the wolf Fenrir. However, Thor will be unable to assist his father, for Jormungand will attack him. So begins the last battle. The vicious hound Garm of Gnipahellir will leap for the throat of one-handed Tyr, and they will kill each other. Loki will engage his archenemy Heimdall, and each will die by the other's hand. Freyr will fight the fire giant Surt. And when Surt brandishes his flaming blade, Freyr will rue the day he gave up his own sword. Despite this, the God of the World and the son of Muspell will engage in a long struggle. In the end, Freyr will be smitten down by Surt's blade and he shall perish as well. Thor and Jormungand have met twice before, and theirs is a battle of equals. Though the Lord of the Storm will eventually prevail, he will step back only nine paces before falling dead, lethally poisoned by the serpent's venom. Odin and Fenrir were the first to come to grips, and their fight will be the most fearsome. However, Fenrir will eventually take the Allfather between his jaws and swallow him. So shall be the death of Odin. Immediately, though, Odin's son Vidar will rush forward, and planting his iron foot upon Fenrir's bottom jaw to paralyze the wolf, Vidar will tear Fenrir in two, so avenging his father. By then, Surt will have flung fire in every direction. Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Midgard, Johtunheim, Muspell, Svartalfheim, Niflheim, and Hel will become little more than raging furnaces of flame and ash. The gods and the giants and the dwarves will die. The humans and the Einherjar and the elves will die right beside them. The entire world, save Yggdrasill itself, shall sink into the sea. But the world shall rise again, as beautiful and pure as it was before the terrible winter. Vidar and Vali, Odin's sons, will survive the fires and floods and make it back to Vigrid. Also surviving the fires of Surt will be Thor's sons Magni and Modi, and they will inherit their father's legendary hammer Mjolnir. Balder and Hod will be alive once more, and they will be joined by Honir. These are the gods that will make up the new pantheon. The two humans who sought refuge in Yggdrasill will finally emerge, and their names shall be Lif and Lifthrasir. Their food shall be the morning dew, and together they will have children. Their children will have children, as will the children after them. This is how the world will be repopulated and reborn. For that was the end, but the end was also the beginning. :) There you have it. I have a better version in a book. But im not gonna type all of that psh!
  14. i offer mat /gg
  15. MemoriesOfLight


    Goodbye tom ._. Though of course sammeh hasn't said you may leave yet! So hah ? D: Your not leaving -In Denial- I know i got your msn and stuff D: still not same. But im so gonna spam your msn now. I decided your not leaving So your not D:<
  16. I miss you my best friend D:

  17. How am i gonna comfort my bestfriend (Nikki) T_T and plus kuoch, me and mat miss you already! who we gonna have laughs with and take the piss out of palscream. Whos gonna make stupid chat names with us! You can't leave D:< Cause you smell. You have to stay. Sammeh says so!
  18. Omg, my boyfriend bought this game i looked at it and thought ew that aint gonna be good. But it is so frekin awsome :D Lol i played on it so much my boyfriend gave it to me. Anyone else love harvest moon? Sammeh
  19. Family Guy Simpsons American Dad Friends Dr Who Im more of a fan of books or movies ^_^;; Sammeh
  20. Hey :) S> 1 Dracula Card and 1 Moonie Card <- Offer me please :). Im also Selling Maya P Cards 5 Coupons Each. Thanks Sammeh
  21. Latest Pic of me Me and my Boyfriend <3 Old pic of me
  22. Nice ^.^ You looks cute :)
  23. This is my desktop It is of the anime picture i drew ages ago lol :]
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