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Everything posted by MemoriesOfLight

  1. I don't mind same sex marriage i don't mind gay people, they are always going to be in the world they always have been either secretly or openly who are we to tell them they can't love each other? Lol emy!
  2. MemoriesOfLight


    I wanted to know as im vair vair confused on the Zeny prices on DQponz and EQponz :] if anyone could tell me if be very thankful
  3. Welcome to the server :] hope you enjoy your time with us. And remeber if i kill I urr mean ACCIDENTLY kill you :] its Mats fault. Sammi x
  4. Remeber Remeber the fith of november :]

  5. Any Mario game lol STREET FIGHTER ;D?
  6. It was "Work Out" :)
  7. :( do you guys give up?
  8. remeber its a riddle it will be something ridiculous ;] teehee try think outside the box
  9. nope nope try again :D
  10. :jerry: Lol the pic would make anyone feel like that
  11. Haha okay so i thought this might be fun :] "It's ones job,but not indoors, to find the answer" Okay so try find out what it is :D
  12. dammit leni im gonna start a cookie charity cause of you R> Members of my charity "Save for poor defensless cookie children"
  13. watch fruits basket =3 btw is this just anime series ? or anime films also :]
  14. Ill bake more :] i cant promise they will taste nice or won't kill you :]
  15. Welcome :] if i kill you in pvp remeber its mats fault ;]
  16. Id be scared if i saw a bald woman in game tbh ._.! id think she have lepracy or some shit.
  17. had sex with mat 369 times. Okay it might be alot more but who's counting ;]?
  18. Ily my bestie XD! PM me sometime on forums ;]
  19. Lol Aso you have many good friends! And we will come back soon ^_^! ill hack his msn in a moment then hehe :) Didn't mean to confuse yoou :P sorry! You best still be here :)
  20. MemoriesOfLight


    Ok as some of my friends might have realised me and mat havent been acitve on Fro for a while now, so to keep you guys out of the dark where just taking a break from the game we got slightly bored with a few things and we think a break from it would be good for us. The other reason is that college is starting for us both soon. But like i say its only a break so we might think about comming back you know to check up on you all! :D! Im going to miss quite a few of you on this break but i don't think i could ever forget you guys. Im going to stay active in the forums also so you can talk to us on here. I know mat feels the same as well for our friends! Id like to thank all the people who helped us, who showed us kindness and where just basically there for us :) Going to miss you guys Much love Sammeh and Mat x /bawi
  21. Psh damn straight, your not leaving me alone with mat and your pervert boyfriend :(! My lesbian buddy <3
  22. =o! well i miss you too i been online but u not been on but ima keep checking for you!

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