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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Armani

  1. Professors = New Champion's
  2. Armani

    Hey Everyone

    Jae here! From a long hiatus and a good vacation. From the time I spent with the fiance with some good vibrations. New things have come to be and arise. Like a new sunshine that sets upon your eyes. Armani is back, maybe, just for now. But in due time you'll see that he's no clown! So sit back relax and just enjoy the show. Because Armani's here to never go. :] Lol hey guys i'm back for a little bit, on and off mostly. But let me explain my story in small detail here. My company (which I will keep anonymous) that I work for went through a huge tax repossession of papers. Well how that happened was this "ex-worker" (who I will not name) lost these papers "accidently". Well anyway since i'm the accountant for my company, and I now own my own firm. I've had to gone to court for 47 days (not straight). But i've been working that non stop. Pretty much everything was settled in court, everything was re-found through re-filing. And I was on a long needed vacation that my company said I had earned. But now I might be back... 50/50 though.
  3. :] lol hey guys long time. This is what getting married does to you... men if you understand my position, help? Women, damn you! So how has everyone been on here?
  4. Armani

    Small Haitus

    I dunno the court has been held off... so... heh not much updates here.
  5. Armani

    Small Haitus

    Just updating on the subject at hand. Right now theres a major court case going on about this. And the president, c-eo, my self, and the ex-coworker have been going to court for the past 3 days straight. So far nothing has been resolved because this guy just isn't saying anything but "I didn't do anything" -_-...
  6. Armani

    Small Haitus

    Yeah i'll try to be as soon as possible. But my job needs me more at the moment... lol if I don't figure this out by the end of next month. My job is on the line, basically this guy lost a good $120,000 worth of documents. So that means if I don't find a way to get these my ass is fucked.
  7. Armani

    Small Haitus

    I'm at work right now and i'm just saying to everyone i'm going on a small hiatus due to work. There's been a huge problem at work lately with this 1 guy who constantly keeps losing papers (tax files, reciepts, files, paper work, etc) and the big boss men have finally decided to fire him. But now the problem is that I have to re-attain these papers which is fucking nearly impossible. So i'm going to be gone for about 1-2 weeks. Depending on how long this is going to take for the police to work on it as well. I'll be back soon, hopefully Haven will still be there when i'm back. If not i'll run it with an even stronger vengeance ;]
  8. Ryan it's because I love you. ;] You should join Haven.
  9. 1.Guild Leader's name. [ Armani ] 2. Guild Name. Haven 3. Description of your guild. Simply put we're here for WOE & GVG. It's a very friendly based guild for just about anyone. 4. How old is your guild. Only a few days old. Maybe 48 hours or so now.
  10. + coupons
  11. Armani

    S> Thanatos Card

    If these are the offers i'm going to receive than i'm just going to keep the card, thanks all in advance.
  12. Armani

    S> Thanatos Card

    1k Won't even be close to taking it.
  13. Highest offer wins.
  14. Bump
  15. Armani

    Top 3

    Top 3 Champion Class 1. Limitless 2. Crono 3. Yukumaru Top 3 Assassin Cross Class 1. Slipher 2. [ Armani ] 3. FuFuLog Top 3 Paladin Class 1. Knight of Heaven 2. Sanitarium 3. - sho - Top 3 Lord Knight Class 1. Sarduarkar 2. Danger Man 3. Bouncer Top 3 Creator Class 1. Boom Bom Kid 2. Patchworks 3. Omnipotent Top 3 WS Class 1. Never seen any D: 2. Never seen any D: 3. Never seen any D: Top 3 Stalker Class 1. Thi@go 2. [ Marc Jacobs ] 3. Never seen any D: Top 3 Sniper Class 1. L2Aim 2. Rath 3. Squal Leonhart Top 3 Guns Class 1. Reload 2. [ Prada ] 3. Icarus Top 3 Professor Class 1. Yagami Light 2. sseltimil 3. Vortex Top 3 HW Class 1. Icon 2. Never seen any D: 3. Never seen any D: Top 3 High Priest Class 1. Dr Tran 2. [ Gucci ] 3. Miriana
  16. Well... one day Flush & I decided to make a youtube video... and we chose Thi@go and - Ash - as our victims. It was just one night when it was just the 3 of us in pvp... and Flush & I had a TON of time on our hands so... he got on his SinX and I got on my Lord Knight. Well he started up the video and titled it "This is what happens to Bullies" and we were picking on Thi@go because he tends to enjoy picking on people. So I joint beat him constantly making sure he couldn't get away and kept spear boomeranging him. We did this for about 2-3 hours... YES it was that long he kept coming back with FCP + more yggs. Than he finally decided to log off because we wouldn't let up. Flush was hitting him with SB while I was Spearing him lol... Same story for Ash different day. Good times. And no I wasn't trying to kill him ;P it was just all fun and games.
  17. Armani

    Hi. :B

    Welcome to the one, and hopefully, only ForsakenRO! :D
  18. Armani

    ^^ Hey

    Welcome to ForsakenRO ;]
  19. Armani

    Hello :]

    GM's are only human ;] they either make mistakes, or they don't. Welcome to ForsakenRO!
  20. Armani

    Hydra Spawn

    Illegal + Jailable. If given with proof.
  21. What You Got - Colby O Donis ft. Akon
  22. No there is more... For example. Kawaii Ribbon Blank Eyes Note Headphones ... etc
  23. Can I get a compiled list?
  24. Soooooold :o
  25. Bump
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