Jae here!
From a long hiatus and a good vacation.
From the time I spent with the fiance with some good vibrations.
New things have come to be and arise.
Like a new sunshine that sets upon your eyes.
Armani is back, maybe, just for now.
But in due time you'll see that he's no clown!
So sit back relax and just enjoy the show.
Because Armani's here to never go.
:] Lol hey guys i'm back for a little bit, on and off mostly.
But let me explain my story in small detail here.
My company (which I will keep anonymous) that I work for went through a huge tax repossession of papers. Well how that happened was this "ex-worker" (who I will not name) lost these papers "accidently". Well anyway since i'm the accountant for my company, and I now own my own firm. I've had to gone to court for 47 days (not straight). But i've been working that non stop. Pretty much everything was settled in court, everything was re-found through re-filing. And I was on a long needed vacation that my company said I had earned.
But now I might be back... 50/50 though.