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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by jaypeebogchi

  1. wat else set do you have? not interestred in pally set sorry
  2. 6.3k ring with KIEL SB with 2 tg 2 paper Freys with Ifrits Selling the full set not piece by piece :) Pm me fo trades. Thana + toks sounds good too :)
  3. i will donate if you buy iy 1.5k. sorry if Op but real money is not easy to make lol.
  4. Will be ON in 4 hours(look at the time posted)
  5. Will be ON in 4 hours (look at the time posted).
  6. Thanks for a good answer guru
  7. Sell cheap items ill buy it all.. S>lk bless set 4.3k and champ cursed set 4.1k pm me if interested
  8. +1 /+2/+3/+4/+5
  9. BUMP
  10. @AsBloodRunsBlack ilmy offer will be set+100 deal?
  11. How bout just buy the set 3.6 lol
  12. yeah its hard to sell gypsy wip lol
  13. I need the whole set. creator set prefered but if you have pally set ill take it :) thanks for responding
  14. Paladin Blessed Set Creator Blessed set Pm for negotiations Thank you
  15. Fragment of Agony (Dropped by Thanatos Dolor) Fragment of Despair (Dropped by Thanatos Despero) Fragment of Hatred (Dropped by Thanatos Odium) Fragment of Sorrow (Dropped by Thanatoes Maero) Thank you
  16. Thank you
  17. Give me Fair Price ;)
  18. whats your price?
  19. Pm Love Love :)
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  20. Still have ws blessed ring?
  21. Just need the ring
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