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Captain Obvious

Forsaken Elite
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About Captain Obvious

  • Birthday 01/05/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Mountaineering, Muay Thai Boxing, Taurus PT1911 Pistol, Ragnarok, Chevrolet SUVs

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Julian Pittscurts
  • Ingame Character Names
    Gestalt Zero
  • Guild
    Terran Dominion

Captain Obvious's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. I never buy from people who say "Offer". Usually they are the OP sellers who will rip you off.
  2. Guide is outdated. They changed bowling bash and now requires 3 kiels to spam... Fknight Helm - 2 kiel Fking armor - GR, TaoGunKa Fking cloak - 2 Skoll / 2 raydrc Fking boots - 2 FBH WEAPON- Legendary LK sword - 2 TG 2 SG (Aura Blade doesn't bypass defense this will work only when enemy is using TGK (TaoGunKa) which gives them negative armor, thus dmg is amplified. Make another sword and put inca 2sg tg Fking shield - Usakoring/GTB LHZ aura - Maya Purple or Geminis58 Improved scarf / Vote Cape - Kiel
  3. As the title says... Selling> WSCursedRing[2.5] Last Price...
  4. After getting drunk on a masquerade party... I woke up in a bathroom. Threw up!!! Then went back to sleep on the toilet. IGN: Captain Obvious (Captain*Alt+255*Obvious)
  5. alt+tab 2x (out and back on the game)
  6. Spam acid bomb on Randel (it should die in 2-4 sec) and use elemental bolts on Celia...spam it as well. Better have fcp when farming on lhz_dun04....and use berries.
  7. Most Legendary Weapons costs around 25-30 tokens...more or less.
  8. Its gone... be sure to have presence of mind next time. There was a warning too before changing zeny to coin.
  9. Captain Obvious

    Need Help

    Log on at https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/ then go to Character Name>Reset Position. Problem Solved.
  10. @Inbox try to use wtfast and see how it goes or ignore if you're using it already. My ping can go 201-220 with wtfast...although, sometimes there are lag spikes that gets me killed. CW is playable and I can troll pretty much most of the time. or change your ISP (Globe)..well, check with your neighbors/friends or aquaintance first on how is globe in your area regarding online games.
  11. As the title says... B>Pally Blessed Ring [2.5k] or pmo
  12. Scarf is good... most classes can use it. However, if you like to pvp... cape will be better but you can only use it on 1 class. Next best thing is forsaken kings set.
  13. *closed* bought 1.
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