ok I was fighting a maya and all the sudden I got DC'ed. Usually its cause my internet fails D:
But if it doesnt connect it takes about 10 seconds and says "Failed to connect to server"
But this time it goes instantly to "Disconnected to server" and I was just wondering if the server is down ir if its just a problem with my internet which is impossible since I'm posting this XD
Replys appreciated
Guild Name: MvP Killers
Have you ever thought "Wow I'm not very good at PvP, but I still want a guild."
This guild is the one for you.
We try to kill as many MvP's as possible and the best part is, anyone who helps kill the MvP splits the profits.
Level 255/Doesn't matter
Must be somewhat skilled in the class that your joining us with
All classes welcome!
Must speak English
Must be somewhat active on that character. This guild is meant to be a fun guild where you can meet fun new people
So have fun and enjoy pwning some MvP's!
I was in this guild before I left(which was around 4 months ago) and it was the best thing that could have happened to me :D
I was upset when I came back and it wasent around anymore. Now I'm happy to hear it is back and hope I can join it again :P
I said yes but not to this, I think if they have a new holiday thing, they should have a limited time color changer that can change to likt red,blue,green,blue, and black or something. That would be awesome :D
But that's just me
Hello FkRO, I plan on donating 80 dollars on monday, and I plan on getting some MVP cards through donating. and I was wondering which ones are good deals to get it though donating(25 coupons for those who didn't know lol)
BTW MvP cards I plan on getting: Turtle General, Orc Lord, Keil, and Ghostring.
Thanks guys :D
Band of the Hawk(WoE and GvG active)
Level Requirements:255/whatever
Language Requirements:Able to speak English Fluently
Equipment Recommendations: It would be great if you were a donator or had an elite weapon or set
Rules: No spamming on guild chat
Have to relitivally familiar with PvP
Can't be a begger(will be kicked)
Must be somewhat active for WoE and GvG.
Thanks everyone and good luck to all that apply
So i waned to get fRo o my brothers labtop. But i thought i'll just download all-in-one. Everything was fine unil it go done downloading. When i clicked on it it said it contains invalid data. wtf lol can someone plz help me. I'm trying to download it again. PLZ RESPOND
I was kinda confused when it said someone logged on with my ID. To be honest I was scared. But then like 5 minuted later I had all my chars back and MAX BASE AND JOB!!!
YOU JUST SAVED ME LIKE 4 WEEKS OF WORK!!!!!1 ^^. How can I ever thank you. Let's give a big thanks to Genesis and all the GM's /thx
No Rebirth RO. It was pretty much the same as here except it was only like mid rate. Only one level for the first poring lmao!
Thanks for the welcome everyone! :)
So yeah I'm kind of new here. I have a couple maxed out characters(base not job lol) so yeah I'm always up to making new friends and I plan to take a group of maxed out people to thanatos sometime. If anyone is interested reply. Sorry to get off topic. Anyway my name is Mike and I'm from northwestern Indiana and if anyone is in the area any messages are welcome. I like being in this forum better, better community. I played RRO for a couple months but i like FRO better ^_^. Anyway HELLO ALL!!!!!!!11one1!!!