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Carlo~ last won the day on May 4 2015

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About Carlo~

  • Birthday 06/09/1996

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  1. Given the current emp's hp, it is still hard to defend, even for big guilds. Small guilds still have chance. For example Untitled, it's just sinx and pallies but they still manage to get a castle. War of emperium is not just a breaking competition for solo guilds, maybe Emperium Race. Nothing can be done if guilds get bigger. It's what people want. But I'd like to see many guilds in fro. Yet, -1 for this.
  2. I have played ninja and i can say that it is imbalanced. Advantages: woe/non woe map: 1) If you got good devotion, you can do unli spam. 2) If you got lutie you got higher damage. (But it is for team fight, not 1 on 1) 3) Thanatos card works on Final strike. 4) Ninja FS is easily spammable. Nonwoe map 1) Ninjas are dodgy cause of cicada and tatami. I think a good ninja can dodge 90% of incoming attacks. Disadvantages: woe map 1) First of all, ninjas easily die if no devo since there is no knockback during woe. You can just normal attack a ninja and it cant do anything. If ninja fs, automatic dead. woe/nonwoe map 1) Pnuemas block Final strike. 2) Hard to kill if defending aura is active. It reduces FS damage massively. I suggest trying maximum possible FS damage with full gears first and it should not be able to 1 hit a fully geared character. It is not practical. But in my opinion, lutie should not be considered first because we will be considering 2 classes already. Goodluck to the GM team in balancing every class in the server. I think some are still overlooked! We hope for a fair gameplay to make everyone happy!
  3. I agree with cookie. Maybe just disable devotion if possible. It's a player vs player after all. In that case, some players without party have higher chances of at least killing some. This also avoids friendly fire. :th_ok:
  4. If players want to party let them and no one else is preventing you to do so too. Maybe ask some of your friends or just be a "friendly user" to other players just like others. :th_ok:
  5. I don't think it's a CON since ninjas can use thanatos. Ninja is a fun class. It's just good as it is now. Maybe it's OP against certain classes but not totally, including sniper and gs, maybe consider their sides as well.
  6. The implementation of casting time should have fixed tracking issue. The only problem before was it was spammable with no casting time. :th_ho:
  7. Combination of Guardian ring (50% minus cast) + 2 Belzeebub for accessories (60%) gives no more casting time. Plus no aftercast delay for tracking. It is spammable without the need for kiels, which enables gs to wear ship hat + fsold and maya purple + another extra slot for card on headgear. Tank that huge damage and fast spam. This is not OP?
  8. r.i.p. low hp classes. MS it, easy wipe.
  9. Those three are different items. No need to change it. Old Myth - The one you have which gives +15 stats + element reduction. Legendary Myth - +20 All stats Donated Myth - +20 All stats + Some reduction.
  10. The first screensot in my laptop.
  11. To know if a card works: Step 1: Buy a weapon with slot, or just decard your weapon ( Do not put any card yet ) Step 2: Try hitting the monster and remember the damage(You can just list it if you cannot remember it) Step 3: Put the card you want to try on your weapon Step 4: Try hitting the monster again, and observe if the damage increased. If it increases, then it works. If it remains the same, then it doesn't work.
  12. Btw, the server is fair whether the server hides or shows the real things happening in game. On the first place, if you don't know the real things happening in game, of course everyone else also don't know. If some people know something that others do not, well, it's probably a theory(maybe true or not). They just applied their basic knowledge about ragnarok. Also, almost all information are available online. How to last hit the emperium? Well, it depends on your equipment, especially your weapon cards, and luck. If everyone else knows the highest damage combo cards, then breaking will be no fun at all. Every breaker will shift to the same cards. What will be the battle then? Well, "luck".
  13. The difference aint that much that's why there were lots of crit breakers. If the difference is huge everyone will use thanatos(or icepick if players cannot afford thanatos). Let's just say that crit has stable damage while thanatos varies. For example, thanatos damage to emp ranges from 300k - 500k and crit damage is fixed at 400k. REMINDER: The example is not the actual damage to the emperium. I just used that for better picture of the damage.
  14. Oh you mean the full set versus the set only. The full set includes freyrs gauntlet and ifrit cards(optional)
  15. The only difference between full sniper b and c set is the ring. The b is bless ring which gives more damage to double strafe and c is the curse ring which gives more damage to focused arrow strike. You can visit this link to view more ring effects: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/customs/cursed-blessed-ring-effects-r140 Yes, emperium auroras have same effect, but what causes their difference in price is the rarity and the look. Battle Royal Emperium Aurora's and Guild vs Guild Emperium Aurora's are the most expensive emp in game. This is because, you need 160 Battle royal tokens and 10 GvG tokens to buy it on npc. Those tokens are hard to get. The other emperium auroras are droppable in WoE.
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