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Everything posted by abysmalknight

  1. As like master Rayray said, if we keep buffing certain class, there will be no ends. I think what we need to do is rebalancing brandish spear as u mentioned before Cus i noticed some people can spam really fast, just my thought. Cheers
  2. -1 I think if im not mistaken spiral peirce is the 2nd fastest spamable skill in the server, and with its spam, its already dealing good damage, and 30k isnt counting the ship hat yet. Some more lk class has already too much advantages over pvp in the server, it has debuff skill vital strike, and super spamable and good damage brandish spear, and good hp 400-500 too. Cheers
  3. Hi Genesis, we will get all the stats if dragon's fury is enabled, but now the case is when Its disabled, the bonus stat and skills are there too.
  4. Hi GM, I think something is wrong with the fury, whenever i disable it, the bonus stat and mild wind skill are still there. So no difference for both conditions. Cheers
  5. I agree with balancing "the LK weapon". Ullrs isnt meant to be used for BB, as you can see the description, it supposed to have lower bb damage and yet it is the other way around. It deals 40-50k BB and as we all know it is double so dealing 80-100 perhit and spamable is kinda insane. so +1
  6. abysmalknight


    Hi there, Are you still buying the above items? Thank you
  7. Alt + Tab to another window and alt + tab back to Fro, it should fix ur issue. Cheers
  8. In my point of view, I agree with what Ray said, removing thana effect would be appropirate and perhaps slightly lower the damage. Its like when we imagine if a champion had thana effect, Asura & Tss would be really unstoppable. But dont forget we have to press like 4 buttons in order to spam that skill while its only 2 for ninja. Currently there is no way to counter FS with thana even if we are wearing devi+skoll on major classes which has an average 250k HP and it can be double easily from clown buff which is hardly can be gotten by other class, even so especially for a champion we can easily swap 2 devi. So for GM Team, please consider this issue. Cheers
  9. Oh indeed, thanks for your info. Cheers
  10. omg Angeling armor? Did i see wrongly? You will be 1 hit KO by SG who enchanted curse water+glooms Haha
  11. Hi, do u still need Blood Thrist?
  12. Hi sir What is ur IGN? Thanks
  13. As the title says Pm me here or in game El Banana
  14. Hi Guys, I'd love to see these new HGs implemented in FRO Tobi Mask http://imgur.com/ZVRegnS Kakashi Mask http://imgur.com/SmCvmqa and Danzo Bandage. Thank you
  15. I'm sure the Palladin is wearing gr, skoll+ray, gtb just because the guide says it has to wear that by default or the tk is on X2. 1 skoll isn't enough to counter thana card for a palladin due to their high vit or we can easily switch usakoring shield. Probably u guys should consider to nerf the party buff only, not the tk cause when there are 30 party members in the same map, the additional damage could be up to + 300%.
  16. L0L There is no such thing to 1 hit KO Paladin unless the TK managed to do all the combos which are 4-5 buttons and even 6 counting u switch RSX to prevent push back, and even so the pally would have the time to use seeds or berries. We can easily counter them by "changing gears only", OL cards and just don't wear GR(u can actually see what element they use by memorizing the symbol on their head), and not counting root from a champ. Unlike GS Tracking, honestly I was the one who donated for the capes and the weapons right away when I realised it had OP damage and eventually nerfed, and i did manage to get the PvP ladder for a few weeks easily. But I'm ok with that and also I was one of the group who agree to nerf GS TRACKING for the sake of PvP, WoE, GvG, and BR. Its only spamming 1 button, and there was no way to counter Massive tracking damage + Spammable, some says holy armor L0L (we can easily enchant weapon with curse water & 2gloom) and 2NOX card "another L0L" (u can simply swap thana weapon). So, that is the reason why people not complaining about tk, just try to be smart. PS actually its not the TK OP, but its the person. There are only 3-4 pro Taekwons who know how to play the class properly. Cheers
  17. While asura damage can easily be countered using either 2 ray or even 2 dev, but then if u r wearing 2 NOX against gs tracking, u r a dead meat. Thank you for prompt action from Jorge, for the sake of PvP, WOE, etc.
  18. +1 tracking is really OP.
  19. -1 Did you know that lokis curse blade could be used by a dagger sinx for extra damage? If it became main hand, how would a dagger sinx get its full potential? Have you ever tried playing soul breaker on a dagger weapon? It has slightly lower damage + you will have a good damage on normal hitting ur enemy(switch to 2fbh boots), even though I'm not a sbk type, I'm still dealing a good damage on the enemies. I suggest dont stick with 1 build cus sinx is one of the most versatile class, you can do alot of things with it (normal attack, sprinkle sand, sonic blow, grimtooth, and sbk).
  20. -1 Honestly I'm a fan of a Sinx, but it will be OP since you can easily switch another boots with FBH cards on.
  21. As the title says, PM me in game or here Fortunate
  22. Just Checked Lokis Curse Blade, it only gives str +15 not 25.
  23. Remove PK @go 13 too please. People start going there, and its even worse than @go 15 which has healer npc.
  24. Hi I apologise, so this is the explanation (taken from eathena) The name: the Labyrinth of a Minotaur The description: Fighters have decided to kill minotaur which terrorised the people Fleeces-midgarda. But the Minotaur has appeared more strongly and kill to Fighters. It is necessary for YOU to collect пати and to go to rescue 6 Fighters and in the end to kill a Minotaur. But all not so is simple minotaur on the confused way has placed the Servants (steam МВП). Overall objectives: 1. To rescue 6 Wounded Military men 2. To pass pair small maps killing monsters (having killed will pass further.) 3. To find a Minotaur in the Destroyed library. And to kill him. 4. To leave, win a prize, to Rejoice!!!:lol: Thanks
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