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Everything posted by L.Lawliet

  1. Real love... if such a thing existed, would not be something as stupid as a woman's looks or the size of her bust.

    1. hazbird123


      ye ye you know whats up,

      Its all about how good looking a dude is and the size of his pecker :P

    2. L.Lawliet


      Nah, its all about performance. ~

  2. I tried to do that too..
  3. I always wondered who was the one who suffered the most. The one who departed…or the one who was left behind

  4. L.Lawliet

    Help Please

    I tried to farm treasure boxes on abyss_03 but when i pu @ali treasure box and its already set i still cant loot the item help please what should i do.
  5. Selling: Moonlight flower card - 5 Maya - 8 Maya purps (3) - 5 ea LOD (4) - 15 ea Amon Ra(3) - 5 ea TG (3)- 40 Tao Gunka - 90 Kiels (2) - 85 Radgin - 15 Dwiz & Dwar - 15 ea Also selling dorcus - 900 Champ cape (offer here)
  6. So i tried to do mvp did it for 3x and i didnt get anything just exp, so my question is... does boss type monster FROM MVP drops anything other than exp?
  7. Yea i saw those jrage just about now planning to buy two of it but still i wanna know more of the effects and sttuff like that soDoes mastersmith card, dragoon warlord, valkyrie randgris and metalling will work? Or what about not mastersmith ,what about lord of death card please tell me if this is good or not. Coz ive tried it and i dont know if it works or not..
  8. The better your computer are, the better your speed and the better you ping will
  9. Youtube will answer you question. Put like, download mac to windows or something..
  10. Can anyone tell me?
  11. One more thing what is J rage, and could u please dnt use shortcuts jext time newbs dont understand.
  12. Is kingrng really works on pvp? And what about using h.wiz card will that work?
  13. These are all the buy-able stat foods / useable items in RO that I think are the useful ones in PvP. Panacea - Cures every abnormal status. Aloevera - Uses lvl 1 provoke on yourself. (I'm pretty sure it's lvl 1) Anodyne - Uses lvl 1 endure. (I'm pretty sure it's lvl 1) Authoritative Badge - Increases your movement speed. Distilled Fighting Spirit - Gives +30 Attack. Wine Glass of Illusion - Gives +20 Perfect Dodge. Abraisive - Gives +30 Critical, doubled on Katar-type weapons Speed Potion - Increases your movement speed greatly for a short period of time. Lutie Lady's Pancake - Str+5 Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin - Agi+5 Spicy Fried Bao - Vit+5 Mastela Fruit Wine - Int+5 Green Salad - Dex+5 Fried Scorpion Tails - Luk+5 Halo-Halo - All stats +3 for 10 minutes. Lvl 20+ players only. Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll - Casts lvl 10 Increase Agility Level 10 Blessing Scroll - Casts lvl 10 Blessing
  14. New here Hi hi O . O
  15. L.Lawliet


    For [1K]
  16. I think sniper is the best mvp-ier, much atack and less using gg's.
  17. They call it FAS by the way. And as far as I know. FAS/critical snipe is the best build for sniper, tho you really need a lot of stuff not that expensive in anyway but, try this and see what will happen. Use vanberk card as ur head card and the rest is kiel. And the other stuff it depends. Then the stats is, u have to make your crit to 80 no i think 76 so basically ur luk would be like 130 or something. Then dex 291 the rest is vit try that. Oh for weapon, use 2 tg, skel, and maybe inca and if your rich use thana.
  18. Gm rules y'know :9
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