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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Is that the same SS as I'm thinking about? xD
  2. I bought an awesome jacket today =D
  3. I'm tired -_-
  4. Why so Serious?
  5. *Surprised face but then smiles when I see who it is* Hi Marrina!!!! =^.^=

  6. There,I added you to my MSN.

  7. Icarus


    Its........disturbing X.X
  8. I miss you so much QQ

  9. I need your help in something.

  10. We all need breaks from time to time lol
  11. Its awesome that your back too =D
  12. Its called "Last Battalion". I even got an emblem for it but I dunno how to put it there xD
  13. Icarus

    Sup all

    Welcome back dude =D
  14. I even have my own guild now xD
  15. I was about to make this exact topic today lol Like I said,I completely agree with Yusuke.What I would like to suggest is making WoE in Saturday at 6 PM,that way everyone could participate in it.During normal week days most people got School,work and other stuff but on weekends they all have time to play.
  16. Icarus

    Emy's Gallery

    She is the best artist here :jerry:
  17. I didn't really quite,I just wasn't able to play for some reason.And its the same name as before,Infernalis =]
  18. Yep =^.^= TGBM Is a bigger perv then me
  19. I don't go on ICQ either,it sucks lol

  20. Humiliation slogan: FINLAND!!!
  21. And how come your never on in MSN?QQ

  22. BTW,whats your IGN?

    I'm finally back playing RO!!!! =D



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