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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Australia or Germany,I always loved those countrys lol
  2. Who said I'm gonna post naked pictures of my self? XDDDD
  3. Agree with that XDDDD And about the member's naked pictures,that 18+ forum could be a great place where they can post them ;)
  4. It also can be a place where people can have Cyber Role-Play sex ^^
  5. Thanks!!!! =D

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too <3

  6. Why are people sitting on the ground in that pic? O_o
  7. Beware of Defiance >.>

  8. But think of the older members QQ
  9. Don't just say what you've voted,also post the reason why you voted =l
  10. Should members that are 18+ get a sub forum where they discus and post 18+ material from different subjects? I think we deserve a place where we could do and talk about stuff that are illegal on the rest of the forum.This way there will be a place where we could act suitable to our age and not be tied up to the rest of the forum =]
  11. Heres a picture of me right after the shower LOL And heres an old pic =l
  12. Hey Mezri!!!! =D

    Can you PM me the password for our forums?

    My computer was in repairs so it got lost =l

  13. OMG Mezri You look gorgeous in the first pic!!!!! =D And the Raccoon made me LOL XD
  14. This is one of the gifts that my mom gave me :biggrin: I wanted to take a picture of it when it was full but I couldn't hold my self lol
  15. Grats on becoming a Mod!!!!!! =D

  16. Icarus

    Im Back

    Welcome back to the server Mr.I Write Ever Word With Capital Letter XDDDD J/K Welcome ^_^
  17. Thanks Guys!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: Ilu you all!!!!!!! <3
  18. You better bring me a present this year,bitch!!!!!
  19. Thanks dude!!!! <3

  20. Thanks Dude!!!!! =D

    Ilu <3

  21. Look at the Birthday list at the bottom of the forums xD

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