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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Then lets make it around 170K HP,either way GS need an HP boots.
  2. Don't forget that we're talking about a small boost on HP,not giving them like 100K more,make the HP something around 100K/120K and nothing more.
  3. I don't look good T_T
  4. Icarus

    Incan and TG

    ^What he said.
  5. I'm great and tomorrow you'll find out why =^.^=

  6. ^Mr.LOL
  7. Hope you'll post it soon =]
  8. Heya =D

    How are you? <3

  9. ^A dude!!!!
  10. I wonder what kind is Icarus set >.>
  11. I want Emy set :laugh:
  12. Icarus

    School & Ro

    And I got School and Work everyday >_>
  13. And when will that be?
  14. The picture is normal,its just the mirror is dirty XD
  15. I LOL'd at the last few posts XDDDD Anyways,back to topic!!! I looks so horrible /cry
  16. Icarus

    I know!!!!

    It great that you're back drawing =D

  17. So we all agree that GS need an HP boost along with Ninjas. Now,when will it be done?
  18. My main character is a GS so I know all the issues it has.Even after putting FireLock and raising the VIT to about a hundred,the HP is still lower then 90K and its fucking hard to PvP with this kind of low HP. Gunslingers need an HP boost ,end of story.
  19. Icarus


    There goes me being the only Alex on the forums lol Welcome =]
  20. We finally bought a new camera!!!!! So heres a full picture of me and my new awesome Jacket =D And yes,the camera is pink XDDDD
  21. Now that sounds fun lol

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