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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Enenra

  1. Are you using Windows 8? For some reason, using full screen with Windows 8 does not work some of the time.
  2. Welcome to ForsakenRO! :D Check out our Getting Started guide for some very useful tips for new players. Have fun!
  3. Did the Thief ask you why you keep following him? He has to ask you that in order for you to advance to the next part of the quest.
  4. As Luxiana said, the Forsaken Dungeon is the best spot to farm Yggdrasil Berries. There was also recently an increase in the amount of monsters inside so it is even easier. Here is a quote from another thread with how to do the quest.
  5. I am unsure exactly what you mean with this. Do you mean a Bulletin Board that has the time for automated events on it?
  6. That is correct. All players are counted as demi-human so things like Hydra, Thara Frog, Fallen Bishop Hibram, Usakoring, etc. Cards all affect them. @go is only for towns, @warp is to warp to the specific map. You can check the rest of your commands by typing @commands as well. Since it seems your questions have been answered, I will close this thread. If you have any more questions or need any help, feel free to make another thread. :)
  7. First of all, leveling at abyss_03 is pretty tedious. You can go to for_fild06 and kill Uber Porings, Poporings and Drops to level, it is a lot faster that way. As for your damage, it could just be their stats/build or their equipment. There is Knight/King/Friggs shields which give 17%, 20% and 25% demi-human reduction respectively, and Usakoring Card which reduces demi-human damage by 35%. There's also your own damage modifiers (Hydra, Goldenring, Skeleton Worker, Silver/Normal Turtle General, etc) that are taken into account not to mention their weapon (custom weapons are pretty strong compared to normal NPC weapons) which could be why your damage is so low.
  8. Welcome to ForsakenRO! :D
  9. Well, there really are no tricks to get it, just takes some luck. Sometimes it can take ages and sometime it takes 5 minutes. Make sure you are using @ali 2109 (2121 is the slotted one) or @autoloot.
  10. Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO! Check out the Getting Started guide for some very useful information on the basics of the server. Have fun! :)
  11. Is your Memory Book slotted? It should not have a slot in order for it to work. Edit: Solved.
  12. As the others have posted, @autotrade or @at will allow you to vend while not logged into the character. Solved and closed, if you have any more issues feel free to send me a PM or create another thread. Thanks!
  13. I did in my last post actually. They are the main currency of the server and can be obtained from selling/buying/trading with other players or donating. The majority of the time, players will use fRO Tokens for buying/selling purposes. Here is a more in-depth guide to the tokens on ForsakenRO.
  14. In-game account creation via the User CP (click here) works fine for me. Do you have any screenshots of the issue you're having? Here is a guide on capturing your screen in case you don't know how.
  15. Welcome to ForsakenRO! Make sure to check out the beginner guide and the rules for some basics on the server. The downloads from this page do not ask you for a username/password, so I am not sure exactly what you are referring to.
  16. Activity Tokens are earned for every hour you are online (1 per hour), except on the 12th hour where you earn a bonus of 3. You can exchange Activity Tokens at the Trader NPC in the Trader room (fcity 55 108). Normal tokens are the main currency and can be bought/traded from players or donated for.
  17. Welcome back! :)
  18. Which method did you use to install the server (kRO/sakray, full installer, etc.)?
  19. If it is indeed not working, then please file a ticket via the Tickets System under Bug Reports. Be sure to include screenshots of you with/without the cape equipped. Thanks! :)
  20. Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO! Check out the rules and Getting Started guide for some useful information regarding the server. Have fun! :)
  21. I tried it as well and the drops are messed up for me too. File a ticket via the Tickets System about this and be sure to file it under Bug Reports, should be fixed once Genesis sees it. :)
  22. The best questable items are the Frigg's Shield and Blessed/Cursed Rings. However there is no guide for Frigg's right now. Apart from that for Sniper, Legendary Gauntlets, Legendary Zodiac/LHZ Aura, and Legendary Rucksacks are the best questable items. You can also acquire the donation (King) set by voting for our server, each piece costs 50 points so you can get it quickly. :)
  23. Not using the full installer can get a little messy. I would definitely suggest just getting our all-in-one to avoid any errors, using kRO/Sakray installers could have some conflicts that using the all-in-one does not.
  24. Enenra


    So we don't distract the original poster of this thread from getting help, please make a separate thread. Thanks! :)
  25. Answers given, I will close this thread now. If you have any more issues or need any help, feel free to PM me (or another GM) or make another thread. :)
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