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Everything posted by myfhau

  1. i never miss a day to vote =)
  2. myfhau

    B>Sinx Cape?

  3. up
  4. you have ORG ZOD?
  5. myfhau

    B>Sinx Cape?

    1.7 is all i got sir...
  6. myfhau

    B>Sinx Cape?

    nope...i just want the style =)
  7. myfhau

    B>Sinx Cape?

    buying SINX CAPE pure toks....
  8. any donator guys..pls help....Donate any Cape...ill buy it Pure Tokens ingame... thanks..
  9. thanks sir.. but why the second FBH is only 45%?
  10. LOL..i mean Emp Aurora...
  11. im confuse,,,when you use 2 FBH is the EMPs 4% Demi still stack and Sinx Crt 15% Demi stack??? at the same time???
  12. what time do you think we can connect? oh..thanks for info.... i thought i was banned... hihihihii
  13. what? DDoS?
  14. is it maintenance??/
  15. if only 1 FBH is equiped,,, ROP still useless?
  16. -9999 to this... this is a free country..LOL
  17. thank you very much buddy....this will help me a lot..=)
  18. yes there is... i saw many new players... after 3-4 days.. they already geared,, i know few people who played 3-4 days and donated??,,,
  19. can you help me..build my asasin SB type sir...
  20. oh it depends on ping.... if i have 100 ping? is that good or not?
  21. how ca i spam Sonic Blow???,, do i need 4 kiels??? 3????..
  22. we are not RICH KIDS like you guys... -_-
  23. ill just suggest.. to make 1 or 2 vote expansion hats,, so other players can use expansion hats too,,and that who cant afford to buy.. and not get bored on the same helm everyday...
  24. im not suggesting many Vote Expansion.. maybe 1 or 2 Expansion is enought ...., or just 1... it would be awsome =)
  25. pls MAKE a vote expansion hats... it wil be awesome...
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