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Everything posted by myfhau

  1. no one is nice...they always kill randomly on random newbies,, when they see ungeard player,,they just KOS it... -_-
  2. it will be up .... tomorrow.. =)
  3. i itching to play... :(
  4. i wanna playyy =(
  6. ive been curius about this..pls help =)
  7. myfhau

    S>Sin X Items

    S>Sin X Black Oriental S>Forsake Dagger S>Original Zodiac Aurora S>x2 Str Belts PM or Comment is Interested...
  8. myfhau

    Saving Bob

  9. +1.. i want to try full SBK =).. make it spammable..
  10. why you always killing me??? in for_fild01.. -_-
  11. T>Orig Sin X Crt + tokens to your Sin X Cape
  12. then more damage is useless... ./sob..... 1 more question?..=) ,,is LK card recommended?.. and is it sure to break emp when berserk?.. or even w/o berserk stll can break?
  13. ahahah..
  14. thanks all.. still 1 question.. =)... when emp breaks.. the one who deal more damage will get emp or a last hit only??
  15. can anyone help me on Perfect Sin X breaker??.. many other guides but many different suggestion... so whats better?,, for always break emp?? what equips? and Switching while breaking?
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