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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by adam-

  1. Poor you Theo, like I said it's about luck. Instead of trying to bash my suggestion get over it yourself. I know people who have killed only 20-30 Thana's and have gotten a card. And with hundreds of Thana cards around do you really think the price will go up that much? For example take a look at the Forsaken Dagger, that quest has been taken out of the server for awhile and yes the dagger's price has increased but your just throwing out numbers to try to support your point. I get that you have a lot of emotion towards this or whatever man, but calm down man it's just a suggestion haha
  2. You think the market is becoming stable? I think it's the opposite when 90% of the market here is people trying to make money off of others buying and selling. Also prices of rare emps and imps are far from stable.
  3. Well the point of my suggestion is to lower the Thana card drop rate, which yes, would raise the price of the card. There is still many many Thana cards in the server, and they implemented the mini game tokens which is a very easy way to earn event tokens to buy Thana summon scrolls and of course you can still hunt it. That sucks man but really it's about luck haha you could have gotten 7 or 8 Thana cards. and 1.4% for the most expensive card in the server isn't that low.
  4. Too many thana's around now days. Getting sold for 2.5k, to me Thana should be more of a rare card than that. Any for you newbies who disagree because you want to hunt Thana think of it this way, if Thana drop is lowered the price will rise, so when you do get lucky and get the card it will be worth more I don't think it should be too significant of a drop decrease right now it is at 1.4% and .7, I'm thinking along the lines of .5 or .4 and 1 on weekends or .8-.9
  5. jwan dar? lol
  6. update/bump
  7. On this topic, I think that the time to get ready for KoE should be increased to 10 mins instead of just 5, because of having to decard between WoE and KoE cards
  8. bump
  9. B/S Updated, check it out

  10. Lol someone tried this with me... use some common sense.... don't be so naive
  11. Hard to throw out a number off of the top of my head... would have to do some testing. Give me a day
  12. It's int and dex. And that's impressive if you got 5k because I went on a build with 210 int and 275 dex and hit people 500-1k.
  13. I think that this skill should be made stronger, because the only attacks Sniper has is DS and FAS and that gets boring! It could be boosted on the server or more simply added to the Sniper SB and L Sniper Bow. Right now its at +15% and I just tested a FA build and it did 500 damage. Let me know what you guys think! Also being able to give it an element would help... if possible
  14. B> Any Rare Emp/Imp besides Gold

  15. Sorry forgot to add need Tokens, GVG works too
  16. Buy/Sell Updated, Check it out!

  17. Updated
  18. -1 to remove botcheck, +1 to remove during raids, Zergling and a couple of others died in a raid a few mins. ago b/c of it
  19. bump
  20. -1 Champs in WoE would be very OP
  21. I woulnd't be too worried about it but it doesn't have the same stats as an imp and also don't think it can be used to make lmtd's
  22. I noticed that this Valk helm has in the description "Only available via WoE" which can be very deceiving and look like a Gold Imp, just asking the GM's to fix the description please. Thanks
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