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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by qperteplex

  1. IIRC The STAT above that says CRITICAL which is your CRIT RATE which is your chance of doing a critical attack. The primary stat for this is your LUK. Not sure what is the precise number but 3 to 4 points of it would add 1 CRIT. There are also cards and items to increase your CRIT/CRIT RATE (i.e. Ifrit card, Mobster card, etc.) CRIT DAMAGE just means your damage that is a critical attack (The number showing when you attack but in a red spiky bubble). Example of cards to increase CRIT DAMAGE would be The Paper card and Mobster card Note that having 100 CRIT does not mean you will proc CRIT 100% of the time. You must take into account the amount of LUK your target has. Coz there is a thing called CRIT SHIELD that lowers your CRIT chance based on your targets LUK. You can just research on that further
  2. So thats where that GVG guild registration suggestion came from. 1 man GVG LOL
  3. Have you tried fixing it in setup? Edit: And also running setup in admin? Play with the dropdown display and resolution and see what works
  4. Burrito Taco Nacho Backpack Backpack Swiper no swiping
  5. You missed out the Sinx Oriental where in it didn't get the bonus from the previous update Do we have more details on this like a changelog?
  6. #1 Already exist. Its called Playroom. Talk to the warper and look for it. You just need to search the item by using @ii command #2 What if the item was refined or has cards in it? and what if the item was sold or traded but Im assuming that the item is account bound. You didnt think this through obviously
  7. This is from darkRO. I should know coz I used to play that server and their custom class as well. And yes, plagiarism issues
  8. Black butt was sold a long time ago. Hence the strikethrough
  9. Updated
  10. The effect you've given is the same in RMS: Whenever you receive a Magical Damage there is small chance to reflect all offensive magic against you at 40% chance for 2 seconds. RMS script: { bonus bMdef,5; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,15; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,15; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,10; bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_MAGICMIRROR",7,150,BF_MAGIC,0; },{},{} Confuses me though, seems like the script is renewal based
  11. Off topic but are GVG or BR tokens still not rewarded if there is barely competition or zero competition at all? I remember the admins implemented what I earlier stated when PE dominated the server when they consistently won all those events. Just wanna know if there is equal treatment
  12. Havent checked this ingame coz I didnt bother LOL But AFAIK we follow pre-renewal so I think it should be 40% but I'll login as soon as I can and update this to confirm and check RMS as well as I am again at work :D
  14. Obviously your pocket is your priority rather than balancing/nerfing
  15. Cant access RMS as I am at work so I cant check the script. I used iRO wiki as my source. I cant tell if this is renewal though A magnificent platinum shield that is rumored to be able to reflect harmul magic. Reduces damage received from [Medium] and [Large] size enemies by 15%. Reduces damage received from [Undead] race by 10%. Adds a 15% chance of using [Magic Mirror] Lv 7 when attacked by magic. My guess is that it is renewal coz AFAIK 40% is pre-renewal
  16. Not sure about this. When I was hunting it I made use of ratemyserver. My guess would have to be because it is randomized which of the 6 LHZ MVPs would spawn Edit: Added link about LHZ MVP update
  17. lhz_dun03. 2 MVPs spawn in the map. 1 is sure to be High Priest the other one is random. Spawn time is 100~130 min If you are gonna ask why 2 MVPs are summoned in the map, HP MVP used to have an expensive drop, they made a 2nd MVP to make sure it will no longer be hoarded. The drop is trash today
  18. Increase critical damage by 15% - not in the weapon description nor I can tell if it is implemented on it
  20. Pick your poison: 1. Pre-gepard - Rampant cheating everywhere 2. Post gepard - Occassional lags and DCs I'd choose #2 though. I can bare the lag and it wasnt as laggy back then when I commented on it about a month ago. I have all the activity tokens I need as well as I was able to AFK 24hrs. straight or even more pre-gepard. No more immortal players with their auto follow pallies too which was very frustrating. I just hope and pray it doesn't lag or dc on crucial times and if it does I hope the enemy experiences it also LOL
  22. Hardrock mammoth exists here and it drops? Last time I was scouting those type of mobs I couldn't find em. Guess I'll be hunting them down again
  23. That is the point on why it was suggested in the first place. If players are still confident that they are still able to enter the room without any "magic" then this shouldn't be a problem. If this were to be implemented though, I'm thinking the captcha should be modified. I recall that the captcha length varies at times. Maybe a standard format like 8 characters long.
  24. Yes, you need 3. Don't forget to have 150 dex and 195 aspd as well
  25. Suggested before. Reviewed but no resolution. +1 for me though
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