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Everything posted by DonWasHereJelly

  1. but the poo poo hat is so cute :D
  2. as mention in topic some one was selling BR tokens at like 400 per piece if it cost 160 BR token to get one emp from BR shop 400 tokens * 160 BR tokens = 64000 tokens O_O? if thats the case from https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?product_cat=tokens : 8400 tokens = 200 USD USD Cost of EMP with br tokens = (64000/8400)* 200USD = $1523.80 (round off to nearest cent) WEW meaning i would need to donate 1523.80 USD just to get a BR emperium. wtheck is this QAQ i could buy a ASUS lappy with good gaming spec LOL !
  3. wb although i dunno orange emp worth 4k tok u might wan to re learn the prices LOL
  4. 5 minute time limit 1 minute to break 750 million hp emp i dont think can lol like sumarize detail of how much damage you dealt per second and total damage shown
  5. why are there some fuckers still around in the server especially this guy ign : Iconic is it so difficult to ask someone a question without hitting them spamming push palm strike, TSS is it so difficult to go to www.forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/ to see what a loki is or what a O. Fenir does is it so difficult not to be so dumb and arrogant lol? so this guy was like asking me can show me what curse ring do so i told him stat and everything and he started spam TSS and tiger push palm strike and when he ask about the donation items i told him he go tokenshop and he call me dont be a bitch when he's doing all the bitch stuff. talk about 2014 stuck up person of the year. why do such people still exist till today haven been playing FRO for quite some time still see immature people like this who cant think.
  6. hopefully not if there's 4th job included its messy
  7. this is from renewal hot key system hopefully this can be implemented as well as renewal BM is better but not 4th job from renewal just the BM + extra keys will do :):):)
  8. T> Black Butterfly Aura to Orange Emperium / Purple Butterfly Aura, T> Sniper Cursed to Sniper Bless or Pm me more offers at [Ares of War], MyNameIsDon when im online tyvm !
  9. 20m per converter is abit ex @_@
  10. lol -_- thats sad wanted change more mini game to e tok for bloody branch or thanatos summon
  11. as stated in topic any GMs please clarify this matter @_@
  12. then whats the mall for LOL and where to vend again
  13. cant seem to open shop in either of the 2 buildings any help from the GMs O_O?
  14. i hope GM replies to this thread most ppl are questioning if emperium can be healed @_@
  15. does the fame point reward effect is for the single char or the whole account?
  16. its best not to have 3rd class its too messy LOL
  17. then what about free event tokens when u donate or free bloody branch LOL =3= jus asking
  18. As mention in topic B> thanatos card = ? how much tokens or tokens + donate of your choice be reasonable thx.
  19. still selling?
  20. if server has 1k player woe i dont mind adding a castle but server has less than 200 player to woe so why extra castle
  21. lol who sells stat food i dun see anyone selling it though >_>
  22. well i sold mine for 1.8k without anything inside the accesories it depends sometimes price range 1.6k to 1.8k might get higher since the offer for acceossry 2 for 40 usd is removed
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