why are there some fuckers still around in the server especially this guy ign : Iconic
is it so difficult to ask someone a question without hitting them spamming push palm strike, TSS
is it so difficult to go to www.forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/ to see what a loki is or what a O. Fenir does
is it so difficult not to be so dumb and arrogant lol?
so this guy was like asking me can show me what curse ring do so i told him stat and everything and he started spam TSS and tiger push palm strike and when he ask about the donation items i told him he go tokenshop and he call me dont be a bitch when he's doing all the bitch stuff. talk about 2014 stuck up person of the year. why do such people still exist till today haven been playing FRO for quite some time still see immature people like this who cant think.