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Everything posted by vergil1

  1. good guides!
  2. champ is my favorite but cant spam coz of lag!
  3. +1
  4. -1 their not tat OP to me lol.
  5. how can you spam without a kiel?
  6. ninjas are so annoying the cloak, flip,cicada and hit you in the back and they run. when you cornered them they warp. better add delay on the 2 skills so this annoying ninjas will stop abusing it. @nellysky dude repair your build. i can restock stones in my storage without a problem and i dont know why do you want unli stones. commenting here won't help you use your brain.
  7. haha yeah champs doesn't look good without the shake.
  8. champ, sniper, prof, bio and LK.
  9. yeah no one is nice.
  10. i notice no one make a topic for priests. do we have best high priest in the server? i dunno coz it's kinda rare to see a pro priest in the server lol but comment here who are the 3 best support/pvp type priest in the server right now.
  11. Now i give you a +1 here. It seems i need to take a break or eat some ice cream like El7 suggested LOL.
  12. Why would you make such a topic that you already knew it won't get accepted? You're like a person wanting to reach and touch the moon but in the end you didn't coz it's impossible. Any you're just talking about yourself, yourself, yourself. You don't know others personality. And your reply is now OUT OF TOPIC. Why won't you clear yourself out here huh? If you don't agree to my suggestion then just simply say ''NO I DON'T AGREE'' and never reply here anymore so this conversation of ours will be over. Or maybe you are annoyed unto me and can't IGNORE and now your attacking . I think my topic is reflecting on you. Maybe your one of them? HAHA.
  13. That's why I said they are DIFFERENT TYPES of people? There are other who will just ignore it coz they are USED to it and others are NOT. The NOT person will simply react and the USED person will just ignore it coz he was used to it. And how can you defend your topic if your already been swallowed by an avalanche huh? What's the use? Everybody doesn't want it so what's the point on defending it? That's why they said MAJORITY WINS.
  14. That's why ignoring is not the SOLUTION because there is no choice but to READ there COMMENT. If someone throws a rock on your head will you ignore it? Of course you will be mad or counter right? And even you ignore it the pain is still in your head. Better put a sign ''NO THROWING OF ROCKS'' so no one will throw at you. Do you get my point? Thanks for your advice and concern GM Veracity.
  15. In ''YOUR'' view. There are people who are used to it and there are others are not. All can use the internet. There's no rule saying if you can't handle those comment better not use the internet. ^If you go to the topic it will automatic go to the comments and one glimpse your memory can copy the words written on it if you have this kind of memory huh and even if you want to ignore it curiousity will make you read it.
  16. Ignore, ignore, ignore no more solution just ignore it? What if he SPAM or make a way that you can't ignore it? What i'm suggesting is make a punishment to stop those persons using those barbaric words in the forum. There should be a discipline inside the forums not just ingame.
  17. Okay i just read some of the comments in my topic or in the other topic about nerfing and it's somehow other people comment is very rude, very insulting and other trashtalking and other said die lol. I really don't mind your comments but please watch your mouth coz people are just suggesting and if you don't want the suggestion just please it in a nice way. You don't know they are people that are sensitive. There should be a warning or punishment for this kind of people. I think it's like same in Verbal abuse case or something. Trashtalk must not be allowed in the forum. Guys what came out in your mouth reflects what kind of personality you have so be very careful on what you say coz you can't undo it. And about my other topic about nerf if you don't want it i don't care but better say it IN A NICE WAY.
  18. Okay okay now nerf topic is flooding the forums but i think this is the RIGHT one to be nerfed. FIRST: The slow of Slow Grace in WOE ONLY SECOND: The chance of coma in Tarot THIRD: The FAS of sniper FOURTH: The spam of SP of LK FIFTH: The spam of Desperado coz it's make me LAG HAHA SUPPORT THIS I GIVE YOU ALL SILVER THANA /gg
  19. ^i never seen this guys in game o.o
  20. Comment your top 5 best sniper in the server right now.
  21. What i notice in the guild in fro is.. The guild Apil juice are many but can't even def there own castle. Veneration just recruit and ally other member in other guild just to def there castle or capture. Endeavour got a pro members but can't capture a castle. Untitled is lack in strategy. Dreadnaughts just troll inside the castle and they just gang in pvp and tbh they're not that good in pvp just ganging. Hope are very few but they can capture and def a castle but they are lack of members. Other guild just go solo.
  22. I think that's deniz right? They said he uses some programs so i don't think his a best LK.
  23. anyone knows a site that has free and complete manga?
  24. is there salary in this guild?
  25. yes you're right they should not expose the guide because there are others who make an effort and hardship just to know the quest.
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