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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Vinor

  1. question answered. can close
  2. great thanks for the info guys
  3. Vinor

    One Handed Bow

    Sorry last question regarding these weapons, is it possible to do the legendary weapons quest multiple times? So if I want multiple bows for my sniper, or a bow and a sword for my stalker etc etc.
  4. What exactly can these tokens be used for?
  5. Vinor

    One Handed Bow

    Thanks Ray ray. I'll keep at it.
  6. Vinor

    One Handed Bow

    Awesome thanks. I'm actually trying to complete the legendary weapon quest now but I've been warping for about 20minutes and the their just keeps snickering and disappearing, never challenges me. How long does that usually take before he challenges you?
  7. Vinor

    One Handed Bow

    Are there any one handed bows that are strong and frequently used?
  8. Hm that's an interesting idea
  9. Great thanks
  10. Great thanks guy, both of those help. For those items that Veracity said are donation like Valkyrie helms etc, are there in game quests too like it seems like all the others or they are specifically donate only?
  11. The last server played was honestly quite stupid when it came to gear. They kept making all these ridiculously OP sets for donation that made those who could afford them so much stronger than everyone else. Granted I used to have a few of these sets but it still didnt seem fair. The question is, what sort of gear is normally seen on this server for max level players?
  12. Vinor

    Count To 3000

  13. Don't believe there is one for gunslinger
  14. Ahh ok. I wonder why they were created to best unbalanced. Thanks for the insight
  15. I havent had any opportunity to see or use any of the third classes since they were introduced but I have noticed fRo and most other servers don't use them. What's the deal with them and effect on gameplay? Not totally off topic but rather throw here as general inquiry.
  16. I may be wrong cause I haven't played in a few years, but isn't it also very risky upgrading items to +10 due to the high chance of it breaking?
  17. Well Im not exactly sure what the difference is as far as specs for full gaming or normal laptop.
  18. Vinor


    Thanks all.
  19. Yea I've tried duel running windows but the Mac kept bugging out from it. I'd like to keep it under a grand, running mostly work stuff like papers, simple programs, etc as well as rag (obv). No real preference as far as brand but def a laptop
  20. Is it possible to do it multiple times with a character to get each of the weapons available for that class?
  21. So one of the main reasons I stopped playing rag fa few years ago was cause I got a Mac laptop. My dad is obsessed with anything Mac and has refused to buy anything else. So now I am finally getting a new pc and can start playing again. The issue is I have no idea what kind of computer to get. Any suggestions?
  22. Vinor


    Hey all, I'm Vinor. I haven't play rag in a while but have really been wanting to find a good server and start up again and I luckily found here. I last played on xilero about 5 years ago, my archer being my main guy. Hopefully will get fully started soon and glad to be here.
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