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Forsaken Elite
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About Vinor

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York, USA

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Vinor's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Thanks!
  2. Vinor


    That happened to me too, I just uninstalled and reinstalled and it let me select a resolution again
  3. How much are safari ball pets worth? I have some common ones like angeling and archangeling, and a few rarer mvp ones like Thanatos, whitesmith Howard, and stormy knight.
  4. Vinor


    Try to run setup.exe as admin and it should give you a pop up display settings to adjust the resolution
  5. Hey all, I used to play on the server and took about a 3 year break, just picking it back up now. Still have my account with some fairly geared characters, full king set, cards, etc. (love that no wipe!). My question is, how do I pick up from where I left off? are there certain quests or items that are super important now? Or has equipment not changed much?
  6. ah thank you!
  7. i have read a couple of guides here and i never saw any mention of mobster card. wouldnt that be useful on a crit sinx since it saves stat points from luk and gives a damage bonus?
  8. ok thanks all!
  9. i got 2 FBH for my sniper and my total SP is like 500. i am able to use FAS like 4 times (if that) and my SP is gone. why use 2 FBH if you have no SP for your skills?
  10. Redring Balloon L. poring party hat L. wolf pup L. sniper bow 2 x dex gaunts angeling card maya card 3 x kiel 2 x gemini c. sniper rune please leave offer or PM me. IGN: Vinor
  11. hey, if you're still recruiting I would love to join. IGN is Vinor
  12. i just finished making a dragon aura and the description doesn't make any sense. Says it is only for arch bishop but I can equip it on my sniper? Can someone please clarify the stat bonuses?
  13. Hey id love to join, sounds like a good group! IGN Vinor, i will look out for the guild symbol or PM Me
  14. PC as title says, thank you!
  15. Hey definitely interested in joining if you're still recruiting. Do you have certain classes you're looking for over others?
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