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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Sensation

  1. You have a 15% chance to reflect 40% of the magic damage. That's how I see it.
  2. Sensation

    cant log in

    This doesn't answer if you have followed my advise and went through the steps I described. Alas, here are some other questions which I make on assumptions from that crashlog. Do you use a laptop or desktop? And is it an from HP (Hewlett Packet)? What is the last time you updated your graphic drivers? If this is more than a few months, you should consider getting the appropriate drivers for your device.
  3. Sensation

    cant log in

    Initial comment, this question/inquiry belongs to the Help Desk forum, but here's the reply you're waiting for: If you haven't already, I suggest downloading and installing the All-in-One package. Using the small client is doing no-good. Further, the installation should be in a new folder and not one with an already existing RO folder containing another server. Forsaken uses its own variation of an installation and it is advised to only use that one. Besides that, I advise getting the Open Setup and use that to make configuration changes, make sure the lower left icon is glowing for .REG and _not_ LUA, else you will receive errors. For patching kRO and RagRE, you can use the already supplied rsu patchers, or retrieve the most recent ones, which you can find here. That should be sufficient to get you back on your way. Before actually launching the forsaken client, make sure you open the ForsakenRO-Patcher first.
  4. Yes it should, however you lose that precious spare slot that you'd be able to fill with another card.
  5. Some people from the Influence guild led by Ken (Epic) and that time period are in Avalanche, not sure if there are others still around whom are from that time or before that.
  6. Doable with load & unload commands/script. I assume we'll need to have a separate script running for the timer and the load/unloading.
  7. Can you try getting Evil Horn instead of Little Evil Horn? The (smoking) pipe from Eddga should be the right one. If that doesn't work either, you should try making a ticket.
  8. I recall something being related to the following question: Was the requirement a pipe or a slotted pipe?
  9. Sensation


    To download new versions of the Renewal & kRO patchers, visit this page: http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/rsu/ The Forsaken RO patcher doesn't have daily new updates, so it is normal for that to not have patches frequently. Usually when there's an announcement on the forums you should see an update in the patcher. Launching the game from the patcher is a good habit to always be up to date though.
  10. Sensation


    After you have downloaded the All-in-One package, you can use the ForsakenRO Patcher to update our server files, for kRO/renewal you can update with rsu-kro-renewal-lite.exe and rsu-kro-rag-lite.exe. 33 BGM files is what is provided in the All-in-One installation, this is normal. In forsaken city (fcity) you can change your job, the Job Mistress is next to the staircase where you can change your job at certain levels. But you're free to do the quests for your character as well.
  11. Duplicate topic, see:
  12. Sensation

    Biolab3 MVPs

    The spawns are randomized, so the chance for the same one to spawn also exists. Keep killing the MvP until you get the right one. Also see qtpi's answer:
  13. Based on your description you were able to log in before without any issues? Being stuck on 100% could mean various things, connection issues, a corrupt file which prevents the game client to load the right data and probably a few other things. I have a few suggestions you could do: Flush your DNS cache. This is known to sometimes help. For instructions, see this. Use open/public DNS services, a guide by Google is written here. You can opt using different DNS servers if you're a little privacy focused as well, this is just a guide to show you how its done. Consider a complete re-installation after completely removing your current installation. Make sure you will install in a new folder without any prior RO installations. Get your files patched up completely, this means kRO, Sakray and most importantly the FRO patcher. Kindly posting back after you've carried out these steps.
  14. Who's this cutie? I don't know where to find you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inflatable Sheep

      Inflatable Sheep

      welp actually most da time i jus log on for a few minutes, see dat its ded af in fild n log off, so ...


    3. Sensation


      Bob no longer is allowed on da servar. I can't sit there in peace.

    4. Sensation


      Oh ye, u ken m3ss4g3 m3 on d4 d1sc0 or sumth

  15. Hello Poppet, With F12 you should be able to cycle through your skill bars. If they aren't visible at all, you may need to check your setup.exe and set a resolution that corresponds with your screen settings to be sure that no windows fall outside of viewing range. You can't display all 3 skill bars at the same time in FRO's client, only show 1 skill bar at a time. However, using battlemode (/bm) you can use all 3 skill bars at the same time nonetheless. If anything is unclear, please let us know.
  16. In general what you saying is that the GM team should take the freedom away from those who have fought hard to be able to have a part of the market for themselves. You want to gain, or actually the GM team to make, an advantage/opportunity that benefits you. If I state it like that, it seems your actions only have selfish interest to bully the ones who are farming that content, which is in my opinion a very greedy suggestion you make there. See what I did there? Now think again about what you just said.
  17. You can try multiple things Just restart the game. Disable any applications besides RO. Also check your systray, lower right of your screen, for any active applications that came with your mouse/keyboard etc. In short, disable stuff that could cause the ragnarok game shield to trip and restart the game.
  18. For the most likely answer to this question, see: and:
  19. According to the information on the main page the server is up and running. And an attempt to log in also succeeded here.
  20. This feature comes with newer client, sadly this won't be possible in the near future. Client related suggestions in general are most of the time not possible.
  21. As Danger said, this is client dependent. Kindly in future suggestions include a complete description and possibly a screenshot. It will make understanding the whole suggestion better than 1-2 lines of just can it be done or not.
  22. You're reviving quite an old topic. For your own troubleshooting matters there is the Help Desk Forum.
  23. As you can see by my profile details, I am who I say I am. Don't know many other Sensations with an account from 2008!
  24. Thanks for the feedback. Always have been interested in setting up RO on Linux. Can't remember getting it to work 'natively' with Wine.
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