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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by -Si-

  1. Some ppl switch arrows was what i also hear to increase dmg.
  2. Heh thanks :D We just hope players will love continue playing fRO ^^
  3. Awesome woot hehe ok will do when I get home ^^
  4. I thought you made one already lol...well nice to have you join us ^^
  5. % modifiers do not work auch as hydra, goldering, tg, skeleton etc. What you need is +attack and hit. Thana is also a choice to add to your weapon. Ip also help, if ppl have skolls on the you can use another weapon.
  6. lol I know. Lately ive been taking breaks, dont fall for its trickery! Fro is addicting lol
  7. rofl Red Ranger!! :P
  8. I know zerg dosnt mean to be harse. He probably means that he wishes for GM to be more active with the community and to see what is going on in game. For the GM's I know they have their personal lives to deal with but a little GM support and confirmation that its players are being heard would really help. I cant imagine how much work it is but I hope GM's will be able to get it done smoothly.
  9. A year too late I think Ferth. _________________ ^^^ Necro Post :P
  10. Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay. :) Edit: Dang didnt realize its old post. Why are ppl necro posting!!!?
  11. Update! Due to some changes in players and those who left. I updated the conditions.
  12. I dream a lot about my ex lol...i do though think about fro before bed.
  13. Tg and Goldering have no effect as % more dmg cards like hydras aslo dosnt work. Place Atroce cards and get more attack. If you want to spam faster you can use 3x kiels and one uber poring card which gives -5% cast delay. Thana is must use if you have. Or ice pick will do too. You can mess around with stats, I usually do 12k-25k with high str and 1 base int.
  14. Well lets just hope GM's finds a way :D. Like a GM can take shifts in watching PvP room every few hours, not necessarily have to watch PvP 24/7.
  15. Twitch- Shisui That's about all I know. I don't have a lot of buddies in game >.<
  16. I don't know if this goes with fRO rules, but i thought a GM going under a different name to spy wasn't allowed, or maybe it's just me thinking something else >.<
  17. One monster drops exped report 3 in mjolnir_08
  18. Orange ^^ and teal Ign: TwinkleBerry Loveliness
  19. I know ppl can get around that with mispelling but to add it to rules will at least lessn the use of it. Around friends maybe ok for you and your buddies but dosnt change the fact its a racoal slur/term. It would rather be better if rules added to lessn the racial words/slurs then not to have any rules about it. But I do understand what you guys are saying.
  20. Suggestion: Have racial slurs/words/terms/slangs be filtered out. Reason: I find it not a good term to say in game, whether it be their own ethnicity/race it does not change the fact that it is a racial term/slag. I know many will disagree, but I just find it not right to say it in game, and should be filtered out. To also filter out words near the "Racial" slurs. Such as, nga, c*ink a * being a h. But this is just me. What do you think? >.< Also, because I have been admin for games and having the racial term/slang words helped made the server look more proper. Rather then having a bunch of players yelling racial terms/slag words or trying to say things around it.
  21. Check your setup options in your forsaken folder.
  22. Oh I trust zerg. Lk is op in a way of being balanced. You just havnt seen them killer lord knights around. There are plenty of them.
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