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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. So im new here and just got used to the server, i got no idea what is the difference between donation coupons and event coupons. I have like some event coupons and 1 donation coupon from selling stuff to ppl. My question, which is worth more? How do people obtain both? Im guessing event coupons are when u win events and donation coupons are when u donate? When people are selling stuff in coupons, which coupons are they refering to? Example, S>Garm card 10 coupons. What 10 coupons? (event or donation or both applicable?) thanks for yr help
  2. i too experience the same problem
  3. How do u patch? Must u download it from the forsaken website? I downloaded it alrdy and installed it, must u install it into the forsakenRO program file? I got no clue why i cant play now when i could before the update of the servers
  4. Argh! i still cant log in! I got no idea. Must u patch or something?
  5. i thought it was up cause i see people online? I dont know why, maybe cause im in asia? Does that make any sense? :DD
  6. u mean its still down? Maybe thats why i cant login, i keep getting the failed to connect
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