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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Hypnosis last won the day on September 25 2013

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About Hypnosis

  • Birthday 04/23/1993

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  1. H/D, Priest buffs, Wiz AoE all make lag in tighter areas like WoE maps.
  2. It works only with Super Baby class not Super Novice, and you have to talk to the NPC twice, if it not working and you meet the requirements it is best to file a ticket.
  3. He was never fully geared so why don't you be quiet? I bet you don't have half the skill your reply screams. I bet as a matter of fact I would rape your noob ass with my knight set just like I did some of the other so called "pros". Gunslinger is a glass cannon, supposed to dish out high amounts of damage but die easily you fucking derps. They are supposed to have high dmg. Our low hp balances it out. Some of you obviously have never played a server with real balance. As for the lag, cutting a class at the knees is not the best way to solve that issue, that all lies within the delay rates of the entire server, not just one class, there are many more classes that have larger scale skills along with bigger effects that cause more lag then the desperado from a gunslinger.
  4. I thought I knew braindead till now.

  5. I guess the best way to reduce lag now is to butt-rape a class. I figured that lowering Desperado rate would have fixed that and you wouldn't be fucking the whole class up but who gives a shit about gunslingers and anyone like them, fuck us all.
  6. It is spammable but there is a way to enhance the damage by using Running then Flying Kick. It is in the skill desc. Some people figured out a bug that keeps running always on even while you arent using it.
  7. Why would we put the spring patch like 3-5 months early.? What do we live on, Planet Mars now?
  8. The way people play this class on this server is stupid, Most of the so called "pros" abuse a bug in the class allowing them to spam Flying Kick.
  9. Just count numbers inside the castle then.
  10. I don't agree to the removing of PK outside castles, people fight alot out there during WoE.
  11. I'd like for the maps to be inaccessible by anyone but guild members. But I would also like for GMs to be peeking in every now and then because a lot of guilds use bot buffers which I'm sick of.
  12. Sniper & Champ is a hard combo to beat, Especially if the guy is an asura champ, GR increases imma damage but reduces Asura damage. All I gotta say is good luck. Anyone who has to team to win is poo anyway so who cares.
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