Well I would like to suggest for mailbox to be back, but I know that mailbox last time caused lots of problem.
What I actually suggest for mailbox to be back is because if you could just have only text and no item included in that Mailbox like last time.
When the players that have urgent message to pass the other player and they couldn't find a way to contact them because they maybe forgot to ask for they contacts like Skype,Facebook, and other communication service because maybe sometimes other players doesn't like to share their personal details about giving out their emails to let the players to add them or something like that. You could just send a Mail Message to the player and leave a message.
Like our daily life, sending mails to people. Just by text and no items.
I hope this suggestion will help the others who face those problems before.
Because usually some guild leaders will ask them to inform if they couldn't attend for their WOE and they have sudden activities up and the player(GuildLeader) is not online they can also just send a message by Mailbox