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Precious Bio

Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Precious Bio

  1. Welcome to FRO ^^.
  2. Welcome back!!! :3
  3. Hihi everyone!!! I'm back to FRO forum for now. Miss you all to whoever that miss me :3.
  4. Wow whahahaaha such nice thing <3 Demi gay <3333
  5. >.>.... whatever... :3
  6. Why so sensitive? Lolz..... >.> sound so.... no comment... :3 I couldn't careless about anything now. haha. Don't need to Quotes anymore :O. Plus I 100% won't play ninja because I only good at Bio :3
  7. No problem <3
  8. The meaning of calling it half criticizing and half agreeing one 1 skill. I only agree with 1 skill not all O.O. So yep... Plus you can see tons of people asking to nerf other classes too. ^^
  9. Hope it is able to work. I lab chu Q_Q make it work! With chur magic powa Q_Q
  10. Well I would like to suggest for mailbox to be back, but I know that mailbox last time caused lots of problem. What I actually suggest for mailbox to be back is because if you could just have only text and no item included in that Mailbox like last time. When the players that have urgent message to pass the other player and they couldn't find a way to contact them because they maybe forgot to ask for they contacts like Skype,Facebook, and other communication service because maybe sometimes other players doesn't like to share their personal details about giving out their emails to let the players to add them or something like that. You could just send a Mail Message to the player and leave a message. Like our daily life, sending mails to people. Just by text and no items. I hope this suggestion will help the others who face those problems before. Because usually some guild leaders will ask them to inform if they couldn't attend for their WOE and they have sudden activities up and the player(GuildLeader) is not online they can also just send a message by Mailbox
  11. I could agree this for the benefit of new players too. This would help the new players and actually let them explore more about how everything is in FRO all about. They can also learn from the event itself. +1 for this thread. It is a good idea to the new player and also more fun ^^. Thanks for suggesting this sort of idea that adds more fun to the server. Love it a lot.
  12. Hmm.... I am seeing too much class nerfing threads in here.... Shall we all just ask the GM to nerf every single character in the game? ^^ Will that be fair for everyone? =) Or will this comment actually shut you guys up. Any classes can be annoying is just the way you players play and pvp. In the fact I do agree with Giap over the Cicada skill should be nerf due to the push back. Plus.... Don't argue over classes. If you like the class, you play. You don't like it, don't play. Don't like getting killed, don't pvp. Like having fun, die more and have fun too <- Sounds weird.... I know :3 There will not always be a "WIN". Everyone win and lose.
  13. Hihi Roxy~ Welcome to the server. Enjoy your stay in here too <3 Feel free to ask for help around. You can pm me in my character name Precious Baby ingame if you need help ^^.
  14. Ahueheue :3 -pokes back- :3 hahaha thanks <3
  15. Hahhaah ikr!! <---MVP freak last time... Not anymore Q_Q.... Now is the slacking queen :3 hihi <3
  16. never!!! xD
  17. YEA RIGHT! Never met before. Want a punch? xD
  18. I would disagree with this. Why don't you just add more STR to carry around that amount of bottles that you want. ^^ I can 1k Each for that 2 Bottles to make it into AD. So yea.
  19. Sorry for the late Welcome. By the way Welcome Back to FRO! :3
  20. I never introduce myself Q_Q..... Hi everyone I am Precious Baby aka Cindy Nice to meet everyone in FRO ^^ :3 Feel free to pm me ingame, Precious Baby if you need any help and Question about anything related to FRO. ^^ :happy: :happy: :happy:
  21. All the best to the players who apply for it!!! ^^ Good luck! :3
  22. +1 I would agree. There is no harm to it. <3
  23. Welcome to FRO :3 Enjoy your stay ^^
  24. Haha welcome to FRO :3 Enjoy your stay <3
  25. I am not hawt... But the weather is hot... TPBM is a great helper. ^^
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