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Precious Bio

Forsaken Elder
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Precious Bio last won the day on April 18 2013

Precious Bio had the most liked content!

About Precious Bio

Profile Information

  • Gender

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  • Real Name
    Cindy :3
  • Ingame Character Names
    Precious Baby
  • Guild
    Chubby Baby

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2278 profile views

Precious Bio's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. Are you using full screen mode or something? Try checking your setups. Running a lower resolution.
  2. Transgay I don't need you to miss me >.>.... Yet I know you do or you wouldn't come here. Hahahaha
  3. Thanks <3
  4. Try re-patching it. There will be a fordata.grf if i'm not wrong about it. Try deleting it and repatch your whole client once again. Make sure there isn't any firewall or such as any programs trying to block you from patching your FRO client.
  5. Haha I'm back <3. Miss me? Just kidding.... I miss you all <3 I will be back soon I guess.... Trying to download a new copy~ see you in a few hours <3
  6. Oh my gawd! My back is aching!

  7. Welcome to FRO and enjoy your stay! Looking forward to meet you in game. <3
  8. Mellow~ Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok! Enjoy your stay. Looking forward to meet you in game more~
  9. Well at least I am back into the game now. I know you miss me. Haha I miss you too <3. Hope to see you in game soon. ^^
  10. Miss you guys so much too. <3 Thanks, Sojin. OMG!!! Hi Fab!!!! Currently I am sick at the moment, but all good. How about you? Yes, it's been awhile. Miss you all so much. Hi hi bear ^^.
  11. Hello Hiroyuta, welcome to the server and enjoy your stay in here too ^^.
  12. Yea that would be me hahahaha Thanks <3 Hehe <3
  13. I do know the name Hex before, but I am not from California. I am always in fild01 hahaha.
  14. Welcome back!!! <3 Hopefully I will be able to return to the game soon, since I am only active in forum for now.
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome back <3. Oh really? What is your bio name before? If I did help, I would be glad to help more. Hehehehe
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