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MrKelS last won the day on March 28 2013

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About MrKelS

  • Birthday 10/18/1996

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    Foul Satan
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  1. +1 nice! and i like that wing, is it called ICARUS WING? haha
  2. -1 if it will remain +35 stats with SLOT -> too O.P, and unfair for donators, and +1 if the L.gaunts Reduce additional stats like +20, with Slots, /no1
  3. yup, its for the Server too :D
  4. Effects for good MVPing? as well as you wanted to, ill try to make,
  5. ;') Yow! Im posting here to suggest, something, Ived been reading some of new's here in Forum, And yes! Its about the LHZ_dun04 Monster cards, Credits to the one that said it Lhz_dun04 mob cards doesn't have effect, i really dont know where I saw it, By the way, im thinking of some to suggest hope you Like it, /no1 CARDS EFFECT SUGGESTIONS Randel CarD (+12% HP,+ 2 vit) Garment Flamel CarD (Reduce after-cast delay with acid-demo by 5%,would not stack with 3 KIELs) Head gear Celia CarD (every 18 of your int you gain str) Garment Chen CarD (+10 STR, +5 int) Foot gear Gertie CarD (adds +5% damage with Double Strife, -30Mdef) Weapon Alphoccio CarD (reduce after-cast delay with Tarot by 2%,would not stack with 3 KIELs,+3 Dex) Head gear Trentini CarD (+9 to Int, +15Mdef) Foot Gear Those are the Effect's that i would suggest, why? those effects?im just overviewing the balance of this server, Equip,cards, and skill effects, and Ive'd base the Effects on where it is looted I mean, like the Flamel Card, Flamen is a creator,thats why, ived base its effect through its JOB Class And another thing, the Card Item Compound Like the Randel Card, Im sure it must be on Garment, it has +HP, and to balance everything, with Raydric card that reducts Neutrals that's why, and it should be not joined with 2 Raydric if you use this Randel, You got what i mean? That's all i can suggest, Hope you got my point /no1
  6. +1 to this, I like challenges,and its pretty enjoyable, since other's got bored, :> Hope this could be implemented, like it. /no1
  7. I think,try to disable your firewall, if you can't? cos your afraid of Virus, just Check the Fro.exe to unable, in your firewall,
  8. Ok, farewell to this suggestion HAHA! I dunno really, but yup, kick this out XD
  9. O.o? Tired of loosing sweat /swt looting ETC items for quest one by one with one monster?! LOL /oops I suggest Gm' and Admin must put this command, for example hunting treasure chest, while hunting dragon scale, in "ACIDUS" @alootid<space>+<item name> -> so @alootid +treasure chest (then item recognazied,) for the next item, -> @alootid +dragon scale so you both autolooting that two items, and to reset it -> @alootid<space>reset its an old command for Ragnarok private servers, put it back, so newbies can farm, lightly, and will not turn to DEATH! /oops
  10. hahahaha, my stomach hurts! hahahaha
  11. hahahaha Nice IDEA!, I got your point, it's kindda funny, but yup useful, +1 great imagination /heh
  12. As a new one, i want you to know that this server has "Silver MVP cards" that gives half effect of the original MVP card does, and you can just get it by Silver MVPs or just go to mall there's a lot of dudes selling it, maybe 8m lower,.
  13. it doesn't enough to carry (Farmed items,Yggdrasil Seeds or Berries) at least put 50 Str for sure.
  14. O.o? I do just stare at my Character and waiting for it to say Hi to me ~_~" Warping to Thana_boss and checking for circles who always says "Regenerating from intense heat" that keep going me Crazy!
  15. Honestly Gunslinger Has 2nd job class advancement "SOON", Ragnarok community Says that it will come and release soon 2013 2nd Job class advancement for Gunslinger is "REBELLION" Source :http://rathena.org/board/topic/75360-rebellion-2nd-class-gunslinger/
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