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Everything posted by Lorillai

  1. Lorillai


    great poems everyone! more poems please. i'll post some as soon as i work up the courage *^__^*
  2. awesome! thank you genesis and all the other gms..keep up the good work. /kus
  3. had to edit kthanx
  4. Rinn what cute pictures!! i especially <3 ur baby pic n__n /kus
  5. ARG I'm BLIND!! xD just kidding just kidding! Welcome to the server /no1
  6. Lorillai


    wha?! if you leave whose gonna make dirty comments about Sard when he "gets food/does laundry/scratches his toe/is afk"?! but its okay..do what u gotta do n_n by the way..this is what really goes on all those times i mentioned ^_~
  7. I L U GENESIS! U ROCK MY SOX OFF!! /kus p.s. - Thanks for all ur hard work and sorry that we always bother u with crazy ideas n_n
  8. dang..i like em fiesty and smokin' hot! So, Sard, move aside plss. Dont want u getting burned when Hope is on top of me. i mean...eh...next to me ^_~
  9. U can always just "practice" baby makin in the meantime.. practice makes perfect! ahem* I volunteer Sard as ur practicing buddy!! /gg
  10. Who in here thinks SARD IS A CUTIE PIE..raise your hands!! /bo
  11. Thanx for the warm wishes and crazy advice ~ ahem* babies and married 0_o?! What sould mini sard look like?!! L2aim - yeah...the card was great! i loved it :] ~ i think YOU should think about marriage and babies ^.^ Damascus - name a baby mike?! what if it turns out like you >_<' ~ we'll all be in trouble than.. ~Idealchick~ - i liked the poem..it was very inspiring. mine was just sappy ;P Lithyia - (see above comment) lol it so true!
  12. Do you remember this poem?: There are times when I have to catch my breath at the thought of you There are moments when my heart does a flip at the sight of you There are days when my soul aches to be near you but… There will never be words worth speaking that could encompass what it means to me to have you Nor is there any song In all its harmonious beauty that holds a note to you And there never was a wish So wondrous and true Like that which brought Me to you I wrote it so loong ago...back when we first started out...but you know what? everything i thought then i still believe now. even more so...and as time goes by...it wont change. not for a hundred fairy wings or even a trillion zenny! There's just no one out there like you and there never will be (even if they wear deviling wings and change colors). No one's as hawt n sexy n sweet as you! So happy anniversary baby...i l u!! /kus ~ your hunnie p.s. ~ i'll add the incriminating pictures later ;D
  13. A million thnx for all your hard work and dedication Genesis! /kus Cant wait for the next update n_n
  14. Congrats!
  15. Congrats Saki and Irrelevant!! Sorry i missed the wedding but i heard it was beautiful :D Irrel...you really are a sly bastard being all romantic and s*#^ Soo....when are the babies coming!? /no1 /lv Safiya
  16. Will take best offer over 80 coupons. Also, I need some MVP cards, so if you want to add them to the deal, I'll discount. Need: FBH OLx2 or will trade wings for Forsaken Armor PM in forums or leave message here. Thanks! ^^
  17. Hopefully not too bad. Enjoy. >.< Q: How do blond braincells die? A: Alone. Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? A: Ground beef. Q: What is the definition of ultimate rejection? A: Your hand falling asleep while masturbating. Another: On a very cold winter night, three homeless men huddled up close to keep warm. In the morning, the guy on the right says, "I had a dream that someone was pulling on my dick." The guy on the left says, "I also had a dream that someone was pulling on my dick." "The guy in the middle says, "I had a dream that I went skiing."
  18. Awww. @Request more for 4th of July? Thanks for events. We enjoy them.
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