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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Capuccino

  1. I hate when i miss someone and cannot do anything about it.

  2. Middle headgear.
  3. Learning the past and future.

  4. Capuccino

    Pallet Town

    Go to the control panel and login your account. Next, click My Account on the main menu and select the character that you want to go back. Then, click reset position. Finally, you have been reset your location. You are at fcity. =)
  5. Surfing the net instead of sleeping. Stuborn. :)

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      Woot surfing :3 don't fall in

  6. Everyone deserves to be loved<3 Happy heart's day

    1. Shino


      Happy Heart's day Cappy :)

  7. The map we have is just for winter. We usually change the map when we have season days.The default map will be going back to normal.
  8. Hiya! Welcome here ^-^
  9. Welcome to the Server! Have FUN~ n_n
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