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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nao-chann

  1. BOOOOO lah.

    A BIG HAI!!!!


  2. I just like in ALI PROJECT song is - Hishoku no sora. @__@ Exile AI Dohzi-T GReeeeN SEAMO
  3. Made by amerikan or made in japan? I want that lah. and i search it it's a playstation 3 >.>
  4. Also Hohen. got hard place too.. I agree with you.
  5. Wider and Hard place would be fun and challenging. Choose. @__@
  6. Awesome,but since when did rinoa use force? I like kairi having 2 keyblades either. @___@ TIFA did a nice fight than them. :D
  7. Aqua Timez FUNKY MONKEY BABYS MONKEY MAJIK YUI Superfly ET-KING RSP Ikimono Gakari and many more. @___@
  8. Thank you for the comment. Well i jsut use "Blend,Contrast,Gradient and some Brightnesses "
  9. Hello and Welcome.
  10. Well,we know every month there's a diffrent thing adding or happening in the server. Well,let's talk about the WOE before until present,but first keep the flame thing and spam thing. Before: Well for me,the woe before is so challenging,actually my first guild is "Laxation" and whenever we join WOE too many guild is coming just to get the castle. Otherwise,it's fun,there's no guild that got 30+ Mem. online in that time. Also all Professional Player or Strong Player Got there own guild. Present: Well WOE system still the same,but there's more add about the drops from the treasure chest of the castle."Interesting aight?" But the battle is like getting,you know boring sometimes , challenging someday,because some people doesn't WOE this month. Well for me hope the day i wish will come true. "More challenging = More fun" Share your ideas about the past until present. :) No flame , No spam. EDIT:Is this a guild discussion?Because this is talking about the WOE (War of Emperium) Well if this is not a general discussion just move it to the right section. :)
  11. Hello and Hi,if there's a TV show there must be a topic talkign about movies."But this is movies/television topic either" Mine. Hana Yori Dango Rookies Harry potter (all) Much much much i forgot the others.
  12. Thank you.
  13. This.
  14. It's in dictionary la. ;DD

  15. Thank you.
  16. Rocket Sneaker - Ai Otsuka
  17. nao-chann

    Bai guys.

    Have a nice life.
  18. nao-chann

    This or that

    Loli Con Dang or Ding
  19. New Signature , New style. @___@
  20. Damn your back in PS. @___@ Nice i like it. 10/10 over.
  21. I'm quiet in the forum. @___@ Lol This threads is hotter than a flame. @___@
  22. You remind me with that tittle "Blue bird" Ikimono Gakari - Blue Bird Naruto Shippuden Song
  23. I will die laughing.
  24. Kindah But this Anime got a cool fighting scene. @__@ And also interesting adventure. :) Talking about a Weapon Technician and a Human or Monster can be a Weapon. @__@
  25. Nice Brush and Nice Effect. I wish i can do that brush. 10/10
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