Dear all player here,
Hello I'm new here.
My name is Naomi , Don't ask for my full name,It's not important anyway.
I'm 18 years old my birth day is March 9 1990
I'm Born in japan,but i am mix Japanese And Chinese,But i can't speak Chinese Language.
Long story,But my mom is Japanese and my Father is Chinese.
I just been in Singapore once like 1month in there.
My mom give me a English lesson so even i don't know Chinese i can speak English,
Well i am study now 3rd year senior high school(高等 koukou gakkou) going to collage(コラージュ or Daigaku) next year.
I like music and i like to surf the internet,
I like chatting,i like hang outing,i like playing volleyball.
and i also speak a plenty of English thought.. :) But i can speak JAPANESE meh.
Well i am kindah busy in real life,but i am so happy i got this life , lot's of friends surrounding in me. :)
Well i just hoping my life IRL is same in here..
I need friends la. :)
Well i already done my introduce.
I want to be friends here in forum..!!
All of you but not the bad person.... Just for me.
No flame and No spam plss.. :)