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Forsaken Elder
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gagosila123 last won the day on August 11 2013

gagosila123 had the most liked content!

About gagosila123

  • Birthday 08/23/1993

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  • Location
    Ceres Planet
  • Interests
    Faggots and sluts....

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gagosila123's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. Dear Game Masters, please unban my old account. username: pangitsiya123, thank you.

    1. Bishop


      Once you get banned on our server you're no longer allowed to play here.

    2. bataclanmarriel
  2. 1. Boyog. = The most pro champ here in fro and almost considered as the "God of all balds in the history of Forsaken Ragnarok Online" huehehehhe 2. -Striker- = mah nigga :) But for respect, Yukumaru really rocks in champ and Airi :) In terms of Sniper: Xathanael, Scrub and Draxx (Cole) LK: Snailz and Deniz LK Professor: Darkside = for clarification, he do not use MB = Mindbreak SinX: for Sonic Blow type: Fernando Poe Jr. for Crit type: Saruwatari Ninja: Ulap and Supreamus Paladin: Yummi and IPoor Whitesmith: Giap and Oathkeeper There's a lot of good players back then... Can't seem to remember others but so far they are the best to me :)
  3. I'm not much of an active player now, but I'll just give it a try XD IGN: -Striker-
  4. I think I'm at the limit of this game.... time to say goodbye

    1. ChainBreak


      gib itum pls.

      Nah jk hope you enjoy your time outside fro!

    2. hazbird123


      Ill miss u miggy :D

  5. Everybody wants to rule the world..

  6. How can I be consistent in converting some units?

    1. Forum~


      Keep track of units by writing them all down in your work and if you're uncomfortable with them stick to SI units.

  7. Anyway, I post a thread like this, theres no way they can return the fun again :( .... RIP tur_dun04
  8. Who wants an event here called "FRO ORGY PARTY" ? XD

    1. sshinytoyguns


      oh my my you cheeky boy... xD

  9. Somebody poke meh! :D

  10. I compared Cactus and Calculus, and it is like a thorn in my head, so I called it as Cactulus.

  11. Disagree with this, most of the players here are organized now, they make mvp guild to take down MVP's easily and split the tokens they get from the mvp cards....
  12. What comes after "I love you one?" <3 :3

  13. Read the effect of Thanatos Card in Champions carefully, it has "Nuke effect" Btw 2 thana in the dorcus for champ is a waste in weapons as I've tested over the months in this game lol ....
  14. Girls just wanna have fun..

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