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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by ngasalaja

  1. actually, too excited. btw, back to the topic. Genesis, when doing events are those 2 GM's should online both to do team LMS and stuff or what? or are they a solo GM that do only dices, normal lms, hide and seeks and passwords?
  2. which part? btw, thanks a lot
  3. Weissritter xD
  4. @Devil he said he's 14. no wonder he's like that. xD @Damascus true.
  5. man, ure doing a quadruple post. just pm him if u wanna ask sumthin.
  6. @wizardry im asian, and i cant say that asians are the best. maybe some europe people are better and more mature. who knows?
  7. i think minimal GM power means as an event or support GM only. its just to help people, not more than that
  8. Dream Theater Dragonforce SlipKnoT
  9. finnaly. thanks Genesis ^^
  10. im actually also wondering about gunslinger's elite weapon. what do we get? revolver, gatling gun, grenade launcher or shotgun?
  11. i enflamed a novice to get a set of +10 uber items. haha...
  12. yes, thats userbar, but they have those white thing on each userbar. ijust take the concept out of it ^^ btw thanks a lot^^
  13. i dont know that. xD sorry then for that. >.<
  14. bump.
  15. @L2aim man, ur racist. just let the GM choose which would they prefer.
  16. thx anyway. have u ever seen userbar? i take the white thingy concept from there
  17. offer here first bro? coz im in asia and its hard to meet ingame just to tell ur offers. thanks alot.
  18. 7 hour is quite alot. might want to split to 2 gm. >.< FYI, asian people have school approx to 17.00, so its like at 5.00 at server time. i lived in indonesia and i have a 12 hr difference from the server time and my time, for indonesian people, having their school/college to release their from school at 12.00 is quite impossible ^^ its more reasonable if its at 6.00-11.00 server time, i think. just my thoughts. cmiiw.
  19. leave ur IGN and offer here.
  20. man.. it was one of the most touching 7mins ive ever feel.
  21. xD. thats a relief to hear tho. im quite bored with the server when im online at afternoon T_T it looks like a graveyard o.0
  22. ngasalaja

    Rate my sig?

    that can be done in photoshop cs2. but u need image ready to save it as a gif animation file. btw, the sig's good. ill give ya 9/10
  23. bump. btw, can i ask other GM's opinion. well other that Genesis, who had given his opinion few days ago
  24. ill try to make it. what do u want in the sig. just put your expectations :D
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