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Forsaken Elder
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Lilith~ last won the day on July 28 2014

Lilith~ had the most liked content!

About Lilith~

  • Birthday March 25

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Blankie! Music, Books, Anime, Art and The Human Brain

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    ~.Angel.~, Xtin
  • Guild
    Avalanche, Pepe

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2721 profile views

Lilith~'s Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. 1st or 2nd raid? Blessed or cursed? I use to solo or 2-man most of the raids but ive recently gone inactive.. How often are you online so i can pm u if u need help ^^
  2. X3 whered everyone else go? :o
  3. Hey aerofox~ anything interesting goin on in the forums?
  4. Such hate @.@
  5. ^ I approve this comeback
  6. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  7. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  8. black cat ears.. it seems too light at the moment.. maybe a few shades darker would do..
  9. I feel u man.. and nope.. no butts on me atm.. tpbm has the morning giggles
  10. tsktsktsk.. so sad.. soberisad.. granted. its in a big hairy smelly fat mans pants. go grab it! >3 I wish to live in my Jacuzzi
  11. poor bench.. so many butt-cheeks pasted to it :x
  12. not sure.. but my ears yeah.. have you ever been so mad that you just wanted to hang someone upside down, peel them alive and dip them in vinegar?
  13. granted. but then you gotta do a crap load of summer projects and homework and online tests even harder than you would've done in school. I wish to be a nomad
  14. nope.. that's your job *-* tpbm needs is far from home
  15. Lilith~

    One Word Story

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