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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by jameslamela

  1. lower the chance of parry to block may do the trick.
  2. inca+2TG+VR...works verry good in pvp, and its my current card set for now. im still wanna try it on WoE.
  3. stats: str = 50 or as long as you can carry 200 seeds + extra gears for switching agi = set agi to 195 aspd after setting dex vit = set vit atleast 220k hp with tao gunka int = 400-500sp with 2 fbh dex = 285 atleast or you may max it to 300 luk = 1 bullets: fire "if you use stone armor to stone enemy" water/wind/earth "optional" silver "vs undead/shadow armor users" bloody shell + cursed water "vs angeling armor user" skills: rapid shower "use when enemy is at far" desperado "if he come near you" disarm "if enemy got no fcp" flip coin+increase accuracy+adjustments "if you have some time to buff"
  4. those cards arent so useful in my opinion.
  5. L.bow,L.RS,L.arrows and L.dex gounts...
  6. err.... idk if we have russians players here. but there are some european players like germans, spanish, british, etc... most players here are americans and south eastern asians..
  7. vote piamette ears, vote kingset and shield, scarf...
  8. abuse disarm! oh yeah...!!!
  9. dont boost your def.... only boost your reduct systems as rayray said.. me personally i have 5armors/3shields/4cloacks. i use different card set on different situations. ill share you some of my card combos. on armor: gr+tao vs bio and champ gr+rsx vs bio "if you have no fcp" angeling+tao vs lk,GS,sniper,prof,wiz and other who uses elemental damage..."except shadow" puppetring+tao vs lk,GS,sniper,clown,stalker and all who uses ship capt hat orc lord+tao vs sinx and to take down champs with you... XD on cloacks: 2noxious vs all range damage especially sniper 2skolls vs all thana IP users 2raydrics vs champs and bio dev+ray vs lex+asura champs on shields: usako vs general damage GTB vs AoE magic especially on wiz maya vs single target magic prof and others... you can make a combo card on your own. depends on your fighting style and situation that you are in to...
  10. im gonna add some also... if the sniper uses ship capt hat. you may also use puppetring+tao armor to stone them up so they cant attack you continuously.
  11. if you guys share same IP, you must vote at night, then your bro in the morning... so you can both have votestuffs.. sounds fare right?
  12. buy these following; butterfly aura wiz highness staff "valk weapon" 2 urds earing 2 or 1 int runes "optional" 3500 toks - to buy wiz ring, frigg shield, cards and other stuffs... ingame. voteset are more practical if you dont wanna doante much. but if you have the cash. you can donate for kingset. feel free to donate. XD good luck!
  13. my tips for you: 1.donate - fastest but expensive way to gear up 2.quest - gear your self up with quest items "non-donate stuffs"/you may also sell some of them for tokens 3.farm - farm seeds/berry/BoS/CW/C.speeds/FCP and make them as tickets and then sell... you may also farm for other people. get the item they need and then they pay you. 4.buy tokens - farm treasure box at abyss_03 and sell to NPC(use merchant) to get tons of zennies, then buy tokens for 1b zennies = 35tokens 5.sell leech services - leech other people, then they will pay you 2+ toks afterwards. 6.join WoE - if youre geared enough to do WoE, look for guild who gave salary and work for them. 7. its up to you... lastly; dont ingage on buy and sell cards/donate items... coz it worsen the economy. thats all buddy.
  14. get your aspd at max 195 buddy... 190aspd sux.. trust me.
  15. aside from f.knight set, all legendary items are worth the effort. but if you planning to sell them out, i would like to suggest the L.bullets and L.arrows since theres no donate items for them. L.bullet worth 5 toks and L.arrow is worth 8-10 toks...
  16. f.dun mob drop ygg berries at 50% not 100%...
  17. yellow acidus is holy property... wiz may find sometime to take them down. i would like to suggest you make other characters that can use neutral or shadow property attacks.. like, bio or snipers... so that it would be easier.
  18. you mean putting elements on weapons? if it so... you may rather use converters hence it was more easier. those are like box of storms(water property) and cursed water(shadow property) and others...
  19. ill give you the coor for silver mvp cards NPC: lhz_dun01 150 150...goodluck!
  20. B>2 freyr gounts = 1.5k toks leave comment or pm me ingame...
  21. -1 many people will be confuse in WoE if every castle will be changed....
  22. aw.. this is bad. now i need to save another 200 toks for the artifacts. thanks by the way...
  23. ty... how much freyrs gounts on other player nowadays?
  24. +1 battle pally will be cool...!
  25. you can use other rooms at fcity for vending aside from mall... you can also vend at reset room and stylist since those rooms are most visited like the mall...
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