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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. I'll just move a few miles. (:
  2. I'd love to live in Cali; let's switch lives. (:
  3. Nah it wasn't. ;D & I'm born here, yes. When have you moved away & where exactly were/are you from? :O
  4. Yeah, when I read 'Location: California, US.', I realised I didn't make much sense. ;D And uh thanks; I guess. I didn't really have much influence on that, lol....
  5. idk yet might get the black&teal ones but also concidering the white ones. they look a little plain tho.

  6. Sooo true. in b4 Hypocrite, lol.
  7. Good luck to everyone applying! (:
  8. ok i decided imma get vaiders. ^_^

  9. y u keep quotin tiago....

  10. » Pat

    Thanatos For Mage

    On a side note; this might render Starve Crasher nearly useless.
  11. Brrrrrrrrrr shhhhhhhhhh wruuuuuuummmmmmm my chrystal ball it tells me... shhhhhhhhh brrrrrrrrr krshhhhhhhhhhhhhh... You've been watching Family Guy on MTV, a day or two ago.... shvrmmmmmm.....
  12. » Pat

    Thanatos For Mage

    Sounds interesting. <:
  13. Even if it did, it was a great help for everybody doing quest. q___q;;
  14. I thought we already had one. o_O;
  15. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=15862 I disagree. There's a reason you cannot view the e-mail which your account has been created with. Do I want a hacker to be able to not 'only' steal all my items but also delete all my chars? No, I don't. File a ticket.
  16. The more you knowwww. ^_____^

  17. its a lot'a hearts and a kissing smiley.

    <333 :-*

  18. <33333333333333333333333333333333333333


  19. Unforgiving prick. Wtf have I done to you. Hurrrrr...

  20. Hi gaize. There's a few questions I'd like to be answered before Ami opens the next SOTW. 1. Are judges allowed to make an entry? 2. Who are the judges? Only us three/us and the entire GM team? 3. Are we already using the new rules Ami made and if so, why aren't they posted, yet? 4. Should we post the SOTW in here before we start it, so every judge can take a look at it and see if there's any mistakes or any special rules not being stated? E.g. SOTW T-shirts: There must not be any kind of BG. Spelling mistakes, whatsoever. eta: If you didn't notice, yes, this sub-forum is hidden.
  21. 13 - 13½


  22. Can be copied. (:
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