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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Hustle123Loyalty

  1. Yah Man This is AWESOME +1 For it
  2. Hehehehe Ima bully all of you xD
  3. 1st: Me " Randy Orton " whos next ? xD
  4. also we want orange Fhelm and Orange Vote helm So +1000 for it This would be great
  5. Why ? 1. No more strong guilds now /gg 2. We cannot see what is happening here and there, we have to stick on what is in our screen. 3. No Killing streak broadcast, we don't even know if someone is fighting outside or in any part of the castle. It's like no ones there. 4. WoE 2.0 If someone will break emp on WoE 2.0 no Broadcast who break it, We Cant Decide who will i give Drops LOL Thats all tnx xD
  6. Yeah nice work but how about the Mythical Flame aura ? Please Improve it :)
  7. 2723
  8. Hi All I already have a L.Pally Spear,Vote Forsaken King Set with tao in the armor but i dont know what to put in the other and the stats so please tell me tnx
  9. Yah this always happen to me too I hope Gm will Fix this soon as possible
  10. lol i didnt get 200+ kills in just 1 did that inside 2 days wtf
  11. Zzzz U guys Dont get it i think ? It was that Wizard and that Sinx and that sniper Going in the Excalibur all the time and if they got killed they go back and back and back again tho then that GS come's and kill us all and i dint go back tho coz i dont want my death's go high
  12. ok but Bombin erryday was the one who called that noobs to enter the room all i did is kill them all
  13. zzz its not called feeding coz his also a player even tho its friends or not They accepted my challenge I already ask a GM about this problem and he/she said its not Coz its not my alt and im not forcing the guy to duel me
  14. If i was Cheating/Feeding Can u see my death's ? If i was Feeding my deaths is lesser than 10 lol ur mad coz ur not using ur mind Thats not a proof that i was Feeding And if any of u guys will believe this u can report me but ill ask u something first If i encountered many Noob Players at PvP room is it called Feeding or Dueling ? Whats ur answer ?
  15. its ok just BC for me IGN: Randy Orton
  16. lol wahahaha xD
  17. i downloaded it again and almost done but it god damn error i waited 4hrs for nothin shit !
  18. Equips: Vote Fhelm with 2 gemini Fallen Ghost Aura with maya P Fluffy Wing Vote Fking Armor With Tao and Gr V.King Cloak with raydric cards V.Boots with 2 FBH card 2 Cursed Hand with Ifrit cards can u please teach me how to break emp easier ?
  19. Sir y if i download the game It will damn error
  20. Hi There if ur a Newbie or old Player your qualified to join our Guild but u should be Funny,English Speaking,Friendly,Active,Talkative[LOL] And If u want to WoE i will lead u if u want tho :) so feel free to join Just leave ur IGN's here or meet me in @go 15 :)
  21. Welcome Dude Hope U enjoy the server :)
  22. 2233
  23. 2182 almost there
  24. Yea We Dont want another tree Put Back our Old Tree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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