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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. try shino's way. thats what solved my problem before. but if its still not fixed. i suggest reinstall the game
  2. Yesterday Tomorrow
  3. True LOL. TPBM is a pregnant xD
  4. but then while bending the space u got stacked inside and never seen again. I wish I can eat a Super Delicious Lasagna NOw. xD
  5. Id prefer ninja mutant turtles. much more awesome xD KuroChan or SHinChan?
  6. as the title says. Leave offers or pm me in -game
  7. ill win this . haha
  8. What is true to a whole is true to a part. and what is true to a part is true to a whole.
  9. Dreams Hardwork
  10. False again. Ill go Sleep again . hahahaha TPBM is in love with me <3 hahaha
  11. but then u got nowhere to go other than water so u drown urself to suice LOL. I wish that this wish cant be corrupted <3
  12. Summer. though i hate both. cause it makes my nose bleed. when too hto on summer and when too cold during winter. </3 Castle made of ice or castle made of steel? xD
  13. technique is put str and int on wiz if u wanna farm. i only put dex to 150 and int to 250. + agi to get 195 aspd. rest to str. u can get 200+str
  14. If u need help on game infos ways to farm and earn toks and zeny or character builds. u can ask us. Welcome. <3
  15. Well i agree on recolors of ROP. The Lhz aura has taken long enough discussions. but as per last discussion on it. its rejected </3
  16. Well, theres so many things happened in tur_dun04 lol xD but yeah its impossible for it to be in pvp mode again. I also miss this </3
  17. Its not just Gears. its cards as well with proper combo. Im full geared but even new ones damage me 50-80k at least. lol try to check also ur gears and cards. even for a newbie with silver cards. its cool.
  18. sartorius19


    there is none apparently. If u would like to post a suggestion. Put up a thread on the suggestion section of the forum.
  19. +0WhiteKittyEars Legendary Sinx Critical Legendary Soul Linker Staff 666 Cursed Seals(got several Sets) Box of Sunlight General Egnigem Card Pharoah Card Vesper Card Leave offer or pm me in game
  20. hmm. but if players put on 2x skolls. even with thana. u will do damage below 1k or so. so i prefer having extra incan combo set of cards on another weap. but i think it will just deal a bit more than normal. but at least u wont hit like 500-1k if they put on skolls.especially if 2x
  21. welcome to the forums.
  22. GoodLuck Guys. Go Go Go ! ! ! <3
  23. OOps looks like i won. <3
  24. Hopless Romantic Alone
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