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Everything posted by Iceforlover

  1. I just wanted to give some positive spirits, and post something nice. All you people are gems, gems of plenty, with all that is unique about every one of you! There's only one of you guys, and nobody can take that away from you. Don't back down just because you're in an area that may seem kind of grim, there's a lot to travel around in, even if you don't have transportation, exercise is grand and positively reforming! What's up in the sky!? It's that shine and dine! Have you tried something new? Maybe a recipe that would get you drooling for food. It's already late to be a fool, because with just being you, it can be seen as pretty cool! Got something on your mind? It may seem like a mighty crime! The past is over and the moment is always new, take that advantage to plan something, for games will always be trucking! Got a clue? Maybe crafting with some glue? Stick it up without being so blue and maybe we can all create something that is true! Hope everyone is having a grand day!
  2. So... Man, where do I even start o.o... Hello, for those that already know me, I've been having lots of thoughts of actually comming back in game, but my laptop is M.I.A at the moment ;< I miss the community, even though not too many friends... I think.. *slightly confused* But anyway! Those that don't know me, I used to no-life this game for many reasons o.o... Farming, crafting, helping, ect ect... ....(please excuse my lost of words... I really don't know if me doing this would even help..... I don't even know what help I need D;) *laughs to self* Maybe I just need people to talk to x.x... Yeah, that's it... For those wondering what I have been up to, if anything o.o... School, got kicked out of auto mechanic class because an instructor thought I threatened him o.o... So horrible, and I'm 25 now D; Still looking almost the same, just more hair... *coughs*(I have a fro) o.o... anyone down to chat?
  3. I don't know if there's anyone that remember me D;

    1. Capuccino


      i remember your profile picture

    2. Ochibi


      I remember you sir in forums hehe but not in game :C WELCOME BACK D:?

  4. Blazing with power! O_O?

  5. I am lost because I don't know where everyone is at D:

  6. Badum bada dun na dun na na D: oh my gosh! flipper mad cyclone of dolls O_O

  7. Oh man oh man, what did I miss o_o?

    1. thePast


      Not much & hi :3

  8. Interview in 15mins... Oh gosh, I hope I get this job REALLY NEED IT!

    1. Iceforlover


      I put it in Carl's jr and they called me the same day, was like can you go to an interview today... Some day huh?

    2. Decode


      Hope that you get the job, good luck with that!!!! :D

    3. Genesis
  9. I ish hungree x~x *dies*

  10. league of legends, new main is cho gath <3 My gosh he's like a cannibal o~o...

  11. Ugh... The day I don't get on ragnarok is the day my computer slows down o~O.. doing some disk check and stuff tomorrow, going to sleep now <3.. Goodnight everyone. hope your guys days starting off well, mines is just started o~O

  12. [media=] [/media]I honestly do like BigBang o~o... *coughs*
  13. Talk about luck of the cards... Can't wait to get my own new deck <3 So lovely.. if anyone want me to take some pictures of them post comment o~o..

    1. Rayray


      If this is playing cards im intrigued. since im a magician lol

    2. thePast
    3. Iceforlover


      They are not magician cards, BUT. I Can do tricks with them o~o

  14. O~O chat box on forums... That would be awesome, but a lot of issues would come as well... ForsakenRO has a huge number of people, which is pretty awesome and the amount of spam can be moved from the game to the chat, people can abuse the chat for many reasons.. Have to have moderators for the chat to keep it in check. It's a good idea, but it can be a hassle in due time.
  15. Hai thar =O
  16. Happy thanks giving... I'm going to sleep.. 4am since been up ._. *groans*

    1. thePast


      Happy thanksgiving ^^, Sleep well. ;D

    2. Justice


      Happy Thanksgiving

    3. Justice


      Happy Thanksgiving

  17. Nope, here at ForsakenRO we gaurentee that you're items would get to +10 100% of the time ^-^; So you won't have to worry about that, same goes with removing cards on equips =O
  18. Usually those errors are encountered due to unknown scripts of the game. It could be the monsters skill issue or sprite issue. At the moment it is best to avoid those monsters for the time being until the admin is able to fix the issues. I hope this helps with your problem ^-^; I had the same issue when I've seen it.
  19. Life is easy, but people make it hard for others. Life is simple, yet people put their crazy views to make it complex. Life is Carefree, but... People have hate towards everyone, sadly nothing can change it unless people start realizing it.

  20. IT'S OVER 990 !!!!!!!!!!!! lol x3
  21. All custom non-donation weapons guide can be accessed via wiki for custom quests. I hope this helps you during your game in Ro. Also, be sure to check out Ratemyserver.net ^-^ It's a good site for finding items if you're not 100% sure where they are at.
  22. May be late, but grats on admin status Veracity x3. You did good the over the years =o You deserve every bit of it.

  23. I really gotta learn to get some sleep and not stay up, I blame the beer ^-^;

    1. Perseverance


      Drinking ain't too good!

  24. Taco Bell mmmmmm *dreams about eating Taco Bell* zzzzZZZZzzzz *twitches a bit*

    1. Perseverance


      Nooooooooooooooooooooooo I wantz some Taco bell! :[

  25. Yes that lady plays Fro and man being on my iPhone for this site making me lazy o-o

    1. thePast


      lol, stop using your iphone then? :P

    2. Iceforlover


      Beh my phone is new D; I gotta get used to it

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