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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ScarletDevilmoon

  1. 799
  2. 797
  3. the light went...
  4. 795
  5. yush, maybe I am >w< TPBM will eat a tart!!
  6. joyful clap and the
  7. in order to...
  8. to eat a...
  9. in a closet till...
  10. 788
  11. 786
  12. 784
  13. True, I believe there might be :3 TPBM believes that it can rain candy in fro :p
  14. Who agrees that there should be an amusement park in fro :3!!! ( Of all kind of porings)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      Lol there is :o!? Give me coords so I can bring my poring to race there :3!!!

    3. Mint


      p_track01 , but the poring have been stolen xD

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Aww kidnapped porings >:c I will hunt them down 1 by 1 and bring them to the tracks >:3

  15. 782
  16. Mhm, I used to :3 TPBM wasted about 1000 pieces paper :p through there life
  17. 771
  18. a song that..
  19. mountains with sheeps and...
  20. 758
  21. True, sometimes :3 TPBM owns a pet pandaring :D
  22. True, that bugs me >:3!!! TPBM is gonna go to sleep :P
  23. Welcome to Fro :D!!!
  24. False, no I'm not but gonna :D!!! TPBM will poke Celestial for me :P
  25. Used to :3 so it's a partial true TPBM likes the idea for an amusement park in fro :D which involve all kind of porings in the theme :P
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