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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ScarletDevilmoon

  1. fan :3 Nachos or Cheese
  2. Nope, me no want to drive yet :3 TPBM likes rainbows lol :p
  3. Snowing :3 boo or rawr (/*^*)/
  4. Granted, but you needed to buy batteries for it :3 I wish for a box of trix cereal :p
  5. I saw this one before :3
  6. I alrdy did on veracity joke post in off topic :3
  7. Dear Fan club members I need 6~8 candidates to try out for co captain of the GM fan club

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. coffee break

      coffee break

      *-* guys join the try outs! this will be crazy fun LOL! *for meh*

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      XD ofc ill tell you when you will get assigned gms :3

    4. Deathina


      too lazy~ Already busy as it is. n___n but good luck to everyone else :3

  8. apple black or white
  9. Next puzzle plz :3
  10. She's all rdy is xD
  11. Granted, but only lasted for one day :3 I wish for tacos *^*
  12. P.S I agree with veracity as well <3 ;3 Plz do come to help desk where crazy fun things happen around there :3
  13. Umm...X men GM Veracity or her magical cookies :3
  14. Granted, but a blizzard occurred and you lost power and couldn't play fro during summer I wish for it to be Christmas everyday :D
  15. Typing GM Nori or GM Justice Lol
  16. Congrats on the Marriage of GM Noir and Justice,even though someone dced twice and people panicked :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      Justice will post just convince him to :3

    3. Noir


      It's not my fault QQ! But even my own husband doesn't believe me. Sigh that's sad. LOL.

    4. ScarletDevilmoon
  17. I am getting questions rdy for candidates :D for when we will have Election Day for co captains or debate day :3
  18. This picture is a missile heading towards chu :3
  19. http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j389/quemoon/Capture_zpsbf794489.jpg Lol this will explain the answer :3
  20. Attention all members if you want to try out to be a candidate for the co captains elections PM me and I'll decide :)
  21. I understand :3 But I just need 2~3 co captains And those will be questions topic that'll ask people if they want to be co captains but I just need candidates willing to do it :p
  22. yush you can :D I never said you have to all of them xD You can do parts :3
  23. Feel better server :o Protect the Fro world *^* and also we should have charity in this server, >:3
  24. And I like your signature :3 Poof camouflage mode activate XD
  25. Welcome hope you enjoy your stay and make lots of new friends :3
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