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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ScarletDevilmoon

  1. that was me, that was me 。◕‿‿◕。 /gg TY for clarifying what people are :D, it helps us understand who is what :3, plz continue in stealing [GM]Justice job in bringing justice to this Fro world ;)
  2. MiamiStalker301 has been expelled out of the fan club b/c he told me to, and I will be looking for someone to replace him as a candidate for captain try outs so I will pm that person. So if you recieve that pm, pm back ;).

  3. On forums pm me your ingame names:3
  4. The GM Fan Club is back in business since some how it got disbanded idk how but plz pm your in game name and also poke the GMs ;)

  5. All members who were in the GM fan club pm me so I can see who was in it
  6. always have fear because its veracity a form of punishment >:) lol this will be quite interesting when she is hunted down by the candidates >:) lets see how she reacts now >:D
  7. Srry that some of you didn't get to see me today xD ill make sure ill be on later if the storm is not that bad :3
  8. Somehow the GM fan club has been disbanded I didn't do it but I'll ask the gms about it :(
  9. Wait what :o? GM Fan Club<3 is deletd D:? Ima check rite now :o
  10. Hello welcome to the server, hope you make lots of new friends, you can farm, hunt, and even poke people :p Well good luck have fun and run like crazy :3
  11. I will make a sub guild and btw thepast what's with the second stamp xD
  12. GM hunting season is still open to the contestants for the co captains try outs, so hunt the GMs down and good luck ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vwwhore


      >.< well i dont have to try out im already too awesome

    3. coffee break

      coffee break

      @vwwhore:c'mon.. show me what you got /gg

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Well let see whose the better GM hunter /gg >:)

  13. Sure if there any room cuz there this guy named MiamiStalker who started randomly adding random people, but we don't know if the people he added are scammers, non fans of GMs, or fans of GMs Idk but Idk if I should kick him from the co captain elections or let him stay or expell him Since no one is telling me who they are adding and if there are supporter of the GMs, I'm the official inviter until we get co captains.
  14. Blood Cart ride or peco peco ride
  15. Gah.... The AC is not working - ~ - , is there something better to use replacing an ac that doesn't require any work , cuz I'm too tired to think

  16. Not co leader but co leaders with the s :3 Just 3 people will win :D
  17. Hair getting hit in the face by a.... Salmon or turkey
  18. XD it's ok u'll learn to be a knowledgable persawn in fro when you study it and your gm :3 But I mite not do trivia next week cuz of hurricane Sandy and I mite not have any power :(
  19. That's why you pm her ;3
  20. Yush this is GM Hunting Season, so its the time of day where we hunt for GMs Even though there are many methods to hunt them, I recommend my choices And for celestial, you must have a box, stick, string, and apple So when Ryuk goes for the apple under the box pull the string which pulls the stick then you capture a Ryuk :3 And wish you must be concerned, cuz you on the list >:) Amicable you can join :D If I'm not online to add you go look for someone in the guild to add you :p And celestial read the messages I sent ya and reply :3
  21. Cakes Attacking... Fantasia or Noir
  22. Lol sure use as signature :3
  23. Nuh uh it wouldn't be fair cuz we would change it like each week :p Nice stamp what will we use it for except sending mail :p
  24. Yea but we got like around 50 ppl rite :3? I believe I alrdy created a sub guild :p And ATM the Marin is our mascot for rite but we can try a gm as a mascot or another poring
  25. Nope to what perservance :3?
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