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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Andromeda

  1. Got it!
  2. WINNERS ~ * ~ Theme: Black and White ~ * ~ Prizes: First Place: 100 Event Tokens Second Place: 50 Event Tokens Third Place: 25 Event Tokens ~ * ~ 1st place: [5]Eliace IGN: Elaice 2nd place [2]nines IGN: Thesik Bellamorte 3rd place Noone Please contact a GM ingame on the character you stated to claim your prize! Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated!
  3. Voting has ended, topic closed, winners will be posted up shortly.
  4. They actually are/were supposed to be there and sadly it's not fixable right now. I personally don't find it very bothering, and unless there'd be a majority of people complaining about it, I don't think much can be done in near future, so please try to bear with us. (:!
  5. Yes, it all gets better with time =D ~

  6. Welcome back.
  7. "I'm gonna smile because I deserve to."

    1. Lyris


      You certainly do. c:

    2. Andromeda


      ♥ That's sweet of you, Lyris!

    3. Lyris
  8. Hey miss! How's it going?

  9. Be careful that this is the only RO you have in this folder. Do not mess it with files of other RO's, it might cause your errors also. If the .rar/.zip program causes you problems, try using 7-Zip instead of WinRAR. Hope any of these helps =)
  10. Aww, that's really sweet of you!

  11. Being sick is not fun at all =(...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Time


      :< Get better soon!

    3. Justice


      :/ I don't like being sick either.

    4. Cross


      I hope you get well soon!

  12. I don't really know why I got thanked, but, no problem gorgeous, any time.

  13. Thank you Lyris, It's very much appreciated!

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