I used to play priest a lot, so I'm basically disagreeing for protecting class I once used to play. Priests are already rarely played and mostly used for defenders to sanctuary/safetywall at emperium. Hence, if we put a cooldown on it, it's going to be quite a bad nerf to a class, which is already somehow behind the most played classes on the server. There's around 10+ breakers, and usually only one or two, rarely, priests at emp room. If we count let's say, few professors which main safetywalling over bolting and wizards who main safetywally and do not spam their AoE, there's still less of them than breakers and champs or any other server mainly used classes. Your prof can use land protect if you want to get rid of safetywalls, also. So what I'm suggesting here is either get a professor in the guild, or well, just kill the people who are safetywalling :D!