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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Posts posted by coffee break

  1. Once in a lifetime opportunity..


    Mine: Able to join a volunteer group which is librivox as a narrator of stories and poem.

    Since I was a kid, I want to be a dubber or voice actress in a radio. I love how people who are behind of these stories. animated cartoon, etc. They keep the stories and emotions touch peoples' lives. Our voice could be reach in everywhere just like magic. We have all happy ending.

    Thanks to YatoSL for helping me..


    • Like 2
  2. Fun facts about me!

    1. I'm short ( yeah my height is =-= doesnt matter right..)

    2. I love watching anime. I'm currently watching HunterXhunter 2011.

    3. When i'm bored, I usually sing in front of the mirror (confession LOL!)

    4. I like drinking coffee and tea.

    5. I usually go to school late... really late. I drop my class card in one of my subject this semester.

    cici :)

  3. we hab insufficient GM photo 3:

    it iz stuck atm ;~;

    We have additional new gms. Poke New gms!

    btw @thePast gimme the new avatar of the new gms.

    I'm still waiting the avatars to be completed. ^^

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