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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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coffee break last won the day on December 16 2016

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About coffee break

  • Birthday 01/27/1994

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    part of luzon
  • Interests
    Chocolate milk tea,
    15 mins policy!,
    My only one MUSH! <3

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  1. Tell me how to love programming. D:

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Rayray


      I agree on Decode here. It is not based on knowing every language there is. Even you know 10 languages, if your logic is off, it is pointless. The reason I became decent in programming is because I received full marks on my Philosophy subjects. I don't use them much, but those gave me great logic formulation skills.

      Everyone has a different style in coding, don't mind what others do. There is no right way to code as long as your code works (you will know to trim down u...

    3. Rayray


      (you will know to trim down useless code lines along the way). just experiment and never stop.

      If you are stuck, relax and try again later.

      Just to give you some encouragement. I failed 2 programming subjects I had in college. I failed my c++ and data structures at one point. after a year, i retake it and got A+ on them. until now c++ is my best language.

    4. Rayray


      not sure what language you are but ill give you an interactive site for ruby.


      helps in some logic formulation too, and it is not boring.

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