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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. I love how they made Naruto's voice sound like a 9 year girl's, Believe it!
  2. Its still 6/18/2008 at midnight it closes like it has always been.
  3. If you won't bother to send another one don't apply at all. Egocentric today aren't we?
  5. I'd stick with Bleach since I've been watching the Anime since Episode 1 but recently with all the fillers I have not even seen the last 5 episodes and I don't plan to because I am pretty sure they are all fillers, if you need to spread out the storyline a bit you should at least do it better; t he first episode of this filler massacre Ichigo didn't want to go into Bankai because he wanted to save Reitsu; I mean seriously since when has Ichigo cared about saving it?
  6. Genesis

    I'm back!

    Hey Final glad to have you back. =]
  7. Genesis


  8. Genesis


    If your IP is blocked it was for a reason; we only ban specific IPs not regional IPs.
  9. Genesis


    Whats SIQ?
  10. Genesis


    Should be okay now, the CP was too demanding on the SQL ( too many connections) so the server understood it as a DDoS attack so it blocked all IPs. its fine now. =]
  11. Lol, everyone is so harsh on Naomi; you guys need to keep in mind how different Japanese is from English.
  12. Posts deleted ( all of them). Send me a PM with the screenshots you have ( read: screenshots not text) You seem you have a problem with every GM that isn't your friend ( most of the team) and do this EVERY TIME something does not go your way; so you can see why I'd require the screenshots. With the screenshots you provided I will compare them with the ones I was sent earlier and we will discuss this in an organize manner not like idiotic morons. PS: Don't post off-topic posts in here; its stated in the rules.
  13. As long as its on the same account any character is fine.
  14. To establish if you are active or not.
  15. Genesis


    You got what you wanted; people know you quit. Topic over.
  16. As long as there is a dedicated staff that silences to suggestions the server will always improve; our user online count grows dramatically by the day less we forget school is still not over; I believe by the end of the summer we should average 350 +.
  17. GM Applications Forsaken Ragnarok online is looking for the following: 4 Event GMs with minimal GM Powers. Here is the Application Format All Applications must be in this format or your application will not be valid! 1. How old are you ? 2. What time zone do you live in? 3. How many languages can you speak? 4. How often do you play Forsaken Ragnarok Online during the week? ( must be a minimum of 4 hours per day) 5. How long do you usually stay online? 6. How long could you stay online if it was needed? 7. How long have you been playing RO? 8. How long have you been playing with us? 9. Are you active on our forum? 10. Why do you want to be a GM? 11. Have you ever hold a position with responsibilities in the past ? If so, specify what it was. 12. What do you think sets you apart from the rest? 13. What is your most active In game name. E-mail this to [email protected] . Applications close 6/18/2008 New Website Server! our website has been moved to a: 2 HDD Kentsfield Single Intel Kentsfield 3210 Quad Core 2 GB RAM 2 * 250GB HDD 2500 GB Traffic This will allow us the cpu usage/bandwidth we require. Forums Redone! As you may have noticed; our forums have been completely redone; we understand it might be a sudden change but we think it will provide entertainment for a more ranged community. As an added bonus to these forums changes we have reduced everyone's ( whom has not been banned ingame as well) forum warn to 0. If you are still not at 0 please Send me a PM Thank you. Stay tunned we are going to be added some outstanding new ingame features as well soon!
  18. You get it the in the weekend, just PM me or any other GM asking for it they will contact me.
  19. Selling items on ForsakenRO for items on another server is not allowed. Account Sell/Trade (to attempt to trade your account for one in another server or to sell if for real money): This rule applies at any detectable attempt of selling/trading an account. Things like S>PHP can be considered as selling your account on the Philippines, so watch out what you type. First offense: -Account ban Second offense: -Account ban -Permanent IP ban This includes items, we shall continue this in PM.
  20. Genesis


    Gs200 has been down for about 4 days or so.
  21. Well the reason its saying this is because your core kro/sakray files are outdated; ForsakenRO uses the latest kro/sakray releases what I would suggest you do is download the all-in-one ( located in the same page as the small patcher) or update y our Kro/Sakray. The All-In-One is most likely your easiest and fastest answer.
  22. Do not provoke please.
  23. Warns applied; emotional kids + online forum = no.
  24. Trying to make it so most customs are not allowed but we'll see how it goes during the scripting process.
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