I believe the current wings need to be buffed. When they were first released the original wings had + stats added onto them. Originally everyone called them op and they were nerfed after ( removing only the + stats ) At this point in the server no one uses these wings. the only use of them would be for looks. Since we added +1 slot to all pvp wings it seems like they are slowly buffing the old items and making them more usefull. the wings were originally unique with the stats but now that we have Bless/Cursed Rings, Slotted Reduct Wings, Slotted Reflect Wings, these wings are slowly becoming useless besides the look. most people will say oh 30% hp thats so op, but in reality it isnt alot. if anything it increases by 10k. the only class i see these wings work for are pally. i think we should readd the +stats to make these more useful. most people dont have these wings so the idea is manly for the ones who do have them but overall no one uses these and while they give a little bit of everything the main thing that needs to be added would be +stats
Current Eidelic Wing Stats
Movement Speed +20%
Hp + 30%
Reduce Damage taken from Demi Humans 7%
Reflect 14% of damage taken
1 Slotted
TL:DR- Wings arent as useful as before and need a buff. Suggesting adding +10 stats to the ring to compensate with the buff to older wings and to keep them useful besides for looks :)